Chapter 3: Michael

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          Michael looked on at all the church attendees. The pews were full of attentive citizens, the ones that cared about this sort of thing anyway. They all looked on waiting for Zeke, the head priest, to finish his sermon. The church itself wasn't flashy by any means as It was one of the only buildings in town that was made from finer pieces of wood, and it wasn't that great of wood either with cracks and gaps all throughout the building lining the walls. But he thought it was much better than what some of those shacks people called homes were made of. He could feel the morning breeze finding its way through one of such small gaps. He watched as his fellow priest Richard walked along the aisles collecting whatever anyone could give. He could hear Zeke lightly clearing his throat as he prepared to finish his sermon.

"Today is a special day. As some of you may know, today is the day this town was founded. Only just a year ago, men along with myself, set forth on an expedition to establish a new life on the frontier." Michael watched as Zeke's eyes scanned the crowd. "This place has offered unique opportunities to those seeking to reclaim that which was taken from mankind. We live on the remnants of the land that we use to walk, work, and love." Zeke exhaled slowly then took a great breath. Michael watched his eyes scanning the crowd ounce again. "Only now is it redeemable, after the forces of good triumphed over the forces of evil. However, we suffered terrible losses. For who could replace the almighty? How can we go on and shine without him? Are we to wallow in the darkness that followed? No, we shouldn't!" Michael watched the faces that were looking upon his head priest. Many of them silently nodding in agreement.

"We shall represent God's light here on Earth! He may not be with us, but what he left behind was in fact, a part of God himself."

Michael could hear the random amen among the crowd. He could see all the people shifting in their seats.

Zeke held out his palms and looked towards the ceiling. "We should take up his mantle, and show the evil that lurks in the shadows, that as long as we're here... God isn't dead!"

Michael looked down to see people clapping and more amens, with people shouting hallelujahs in the back.

"Now go out and enjoy your Monday and let the anniversary of our expedition on the frontier, be hereby known as a day of reclamation!" Zeke threw his hands out towards the doors. The people shouted and jumped as they all skipped out of the building. Michael couldn't help but smile. He watched Zeke stand at the podium and look on at every person as they cheered and ran out of the building.

"So, you're letting them all have the day off huh?" Michael said drawing closer with every step "You think the mayor will have a problem with us ignoring the labor laws?"

"They deserve it." The head priest said.

Michael looked over him. He was much older than he was. His hair cut short and his robes were much older as well. Michael himself had been here for only a couple of weeks. Once he graduated from the academy, they asked him where he wanted to be stationed at. His first choice was here. He heard of Zeke's exploits and considered it an honor to serve alongside him.

"Feel like we came very far as a town and they should get a day to themselves." Zeke said as he started to remove his robes. "Do you not agree?"

"It's not I you'll have to convince." Michael said. "I've received a message from the mayor's errand boy. She wanted to see you after you were done with your sermon." Michael rolled his eyes as he told him. He didn't much care for politics, but the mayor could have come herself instead of disrespecting Zeke like that.

Zeke squinted at Michael. "So, they do deserve the day off, yes?"

Michael smiled. "Of course." He took a couple steps closer towards Zeke. "I just don't like the new mayor ordering you around is all."

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