Chapter 5: Luther

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       Luther found himself storming out of the mayor's office in a huff. He fumed over the entire thing as he walked past the reception desk and stormed outside. What was he to do now? He thought to himself as the sun basked his face. People were moving their way up and down the street, going about their own business. Some of the men were carrying bags of random things, no doubt junk they found in the fringe they were attempting to make some coin from.

He took a second to think about his next move, leaning himself up against the mayor's building. He knew he didn't have a lot in the way of money, as being a bounty hunter and doing the odd job for the government wasn't the best paying gig. The position he got here was supposed to be his big break. To be brushed aside so callously filled him with a burning rage. He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. He figured getting a drink would be a good start, if nothing else help him relax and get his mind straight.

The bar was filled with people, which came as no surprise to him as this town didn't have much entertainment. He made his way straight to the bar, as it seemed the tables were full of scavengers. The name for that profession seemed appropriate to him. Most of these men were incredibly filthy, with a thick layer of dirt staining most of their skin. He made his way to the bar and grabbed a seat. He noticed quickly that Jack was sitting there next to him, sipping a beer.

"What are you still doing in here?" Luther asked. "Did you report to the ranger yet?"

A man leaned out that was sitting next to Jack, waving with two fingers.

"I found him alright." Jack rolled his eyes, taking another sip.

"Hey new guy. I'm John, the proprietor of this fine establishment." The bartender flourished his arms. "First beers free for new guys."

"Thanks." Luther felt a little relief. The bartender's attitude was a much better reception then he got earlier. "I'm Luther."

John was fast in getting him a frothy glass set out in front of him. Luther grabbed it and let the amber liquid run down his throat. "Thanks." Luther said. "You're a breath of fresh air compared to your mayor."

"Ha!" The bartender exclaimed. "Not really a hard feat if I'm being honest."

"What happened?" Asked Jack.

"Well..." Luther began. "I was told months ago I would have the position of sheriff." Luther took another drink. "Steady pay plus room and board. Not only was the previous administration gone, that crusty old woman wouldn't hold up what I've been offered."

"Can you return to your old job?" Jack asked.

"I trained my replacement in my guild." Luther said. "Sold all my shit too."

"That's rough." John said. "Let me get you something stronger."

"I appreciate that." Luther gave him a nod as the bartender set a glass in front of him. "Do you know of any work I could do in the meantime? Even an odd job just to get something going."

"Why don't you just take the bus back and see if your old job will have you?" Jack said finishing his glass.

"That guy doesn't stay long enough to even to take a piss." John laughed. "He's long gone and won't be back for months."


"So, is there? Work I mean." Said Luther.

"I'm afraid all the extra labor goes to our boy Jack here." The man next to Jack leaned forward. "I don't think people will choose paid labor over free."

EschatonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora