Chapter 180

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Glenn sketched a layout on the floor with a piece of chalk, reminding Eve of his plan to grab the gun bag in Atlanta so long ago. Carl knelt opposite of him and the rest of the group, minus Rick and Randall, surrounding them.

"You say you found Tyreese's group here?" Glenn pointed to a section on the map close to the tunnels where Eve & T-Dog found each other before.

Carl nodded and went to say something, but Glenn cut him off. "We secured this."

"Well... he thought he came through here." Carl pointed out on the map and T leaned over him to get a better look.

"That's right next to where Eve and I went through. There's a hole in that back fence where we got out but Tiny and I sealed that up."

Eve tongued her molars as she thought back to it. She and T-Dog did indeed escape that way, but there were walkers piling up on that other side, they haven't taken a look before because they've had other things to deal with and it'll be mighty dangerous to go back there with how many walkers were inside that back fence. She's doubtful that any of them have wandered off.

Glenn expelled an exacerbated sigh, rubbing his forehead. "That means there's another breach."

"Ok. The whole front of the prison is unsecure. If walkers just strolled in, then it's gonna be cake for a group of armed men."

Provided they can get past the walkers.

"Why are we even so sure he's gonna attack? Maybe you scared him off." Beth asked.

If only that were the case, Beth.

Michonne drew everyone's attention to where she was leaning against the small cell/cage in the corner of the room. "He had fish tanks full of heads. Walkers and humans, trophies. He's comin'."

Classic serial killer behavior.

"We should hit him now." Glenn said suddenly and Eve looked down at him.

He looked up at her from his crouched position beside her.

"What?" Beth voiced the confusion of the room.

"He won't be expecting it. We'll sneak back in and put a bullet in his head."

"We're not assassins." Carol made a glum face like Glenn's lost his mind.

That's might not be such a bad idea. The others may not be up to something like this... but I could do it. If Michonne is willing to show me the way, I could get in, finish this quickly, cause some chaos and get out before they even know I'm there.

Eve stood quietly, arms crossed and a finger absently rubbing her lip as she thought about it.

"You're not really considering this are you?" T-Dog was the first to notice. "That's a suicide mission."

If she's gonna do this, she can't leave without a backup plan. If things go wrong, the prison needs to be ready to receive some heavily armed unwanted guests.

The more she thought about it the less merit the idea had though. Assassination is the most ideal plan but there's too many ways it could go wrong, and when has ideal ever gone smoothly for anyone?

Thinking down to the details of it, they don't even have the ability to pull it off right now. That being said.... Sneak attacks are entirely within the realm of possibility. They're lower risk, more effective on an organization where they can disrupt the structure and will create a fear factor that will ultimately help them; turn Woodbury's numbers against them.

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