Chapter 148

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Clearing the house was quick and easy. No thanks to Daryl.

He may or may not have opened a door and it swung back into a shelf and knocked something glass off, scattering a cloud of razor sharp dust onto the kitchen floor and well, let's just say it was indicative that there's nothing in the house.

This house is fairly untouched compared to others. Aside from there not being much left in the cupboards to choose from that hasn't rotted.

This area must've had a heads up the dead were coming and got out.

Daryl looked over my shoulder at the final cupboard I opened and I looked at him with disappointment but not surprise and shook my head.

He nodded, with similar disappointment. Although his comes off a little more irritated.

"If there ain't no food we should hit a couple of the other houses before dark." He glanced out the window next to the small dining table at the far end of the smallish kitchen.

I nodded in agreement, sighing as I closed the cupboard and took up my knives again.

Once we finished our sweep, including the cellar, we went to the door and Daryl made a short whistle; giving the all clear for the others to get their frozen booties inside.

Climbing out of the cars, the others started unpacking according to Rick's direction, only taking in things we'll need. This house isn't as secure as the other and we don't know if this area is safe yet, it's better if we're able to peel out of here on a moment's notice and not lose much, if need be.

"Ey" Daryl grabbed Glenn & Maggie's attention as they carried two boxes up the steps to the house, while I pulled myself up to sit on the slick black metal railing of the small cement porch. "Grab yer gear and come back out. We're goin' on a run."

"Already?" Glenn asked as he moved past us, not really expecting an answer as he continued into the house. Maggie nodded, tucking her chin into her fully-zipped brown coat, her little red nose poking out.

That's serious Rudolph vibes right there.

I adjusted my sweatshirt under my leather jacket which is keeping it tight and insulating against my skin but also just a bit uncomfortable when the back rides up around my shoulder blades.

"Ey," Daryl stopped Rick as the last of the group went past us, and I made sure to reach out and knock the back of Carl's "Glenn & Maggie are gonna come with us. We're gonna hit a couple a these houses for food before dark."

"Ok." He nodded. "Don't go too far. Always stay within sight of the house."

Yes, dad.

I hopped down the stairs with the other 3, forgetting there's ice on the street and as soon as my heel hit it, I slid.

Daryl grabbed my hand like a lightning strike and Glenn slammed his hands over his mouth, failing miserably to hide his laughter, meanwhile his kind loving girlfriend with a beautiful soul's hands him my back to help me not fall on my ass for what feels like 900th time since winter began.

"Frozen water and you really don't mix well." Thank you for that wonderful observation Ace, anything else you'd like to add? Like salt and eyes don't either?

I gave him the stink eye over my shoulder as Daryl huffed, "That's it. Yer not allowed to let go of my hand until we cross the street, ya 9 year old."

I think I'd be more irked about that insult if my brain wasn't still stuck on the hands thing. And I completely missed Glenn & Maggie smiling at each other behind us.

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