Chapter 37

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Daryl's POV

I pulled the squirrel attached to my bolt from the tree as I passed, securing it with one hand while I guided the horse through the trees.

So far I've got a squirrel, and absolutely nothin' else.

I braced against the back of the saddle while the horse went down a tilt of the ridge before it leveled off.

A shine through the trees on my left pulled my attention.

"Whoa" I gave the reigns a tug, stopping the horse to look down at the bowl-shaped encirclement of a small lake, with a sloped ridge just up the other side. Where the water flowed down the rock, feeding the body below.

My eyes caught on something light and sorta soft pink near a driftwood log at the edge of the water.

I can't see it well from here, but it definitely ain't natural.

I dismounted the horse, tying a quick slip knot to the nearest tree so he don' wander off.

Taking my crossbow from my shoulders, I used my free hand to steady myself with the trees, going down the steep slope.

I reached down and picked up the dripping doll. I've seen this thing before.

Stepping back through the shallow water, it sloshed around my ankles as I scanned the treeline.

"Sophia!" my voice echoed through the creek valley.

No response. Not like I expected one or anythin'.

I secured the doll to my belt and climbed back up(easier said than done).

Back on top, I untied the horse, mounted and moved on.

A crow's caw didn't distract me from looking for anything, but a flock birds flying out of a bush scared the horse.

"Whoa. Easy, easy." I pulled on the reigns to keep it from running. It's nervousness subsided, while I looked around to make sure that was the only reason it spooked.

I found nothing and turned back to the task at hand.

"Come on" I made kiss noises, with a soft tap of my foot to get the horse moving again.

I followed along the ridge, glancing down the slick slope as we reached the crest of the hill.

A sudden hiss and the horse panicked, rearing up.

"Whoa, whoa—"

Just as I saw the snake that spooked it, she reared again and threw me off the side. I barely got my foot out of the stirrup before I hit the ground.

I didn't stop there, I hit the ground again and my stomach turned as I left the ground again.

Reaching for anything, I tried to stop myself as I tumbled down the hill; past trees and hitting rocks, and rough ground.

The world spun, too fast to get my bearings as I got tossed like a rag doll down the side of the ridge.

I grunted each time I hit the ground; hitting everything from my shoulder, to my ass, to almost my head.

Before I knew it, I was sliding on a hard slick surface on my back, head first.

My legs flailed in front of me, before I hit a crack in the rock and flipped onto my stomach.

My crossbow slid past me as I threw my hands out to try to stop myself.

They burned against the rock as I tried to regain some sort of control and my crossbow splashed in front of me before I flipped again right at the bottom and landed with a smack in the water.

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