Chapter 19

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I looked back over my shoulder at the caravan and my hair whipped me in the face for the thousandth time.

Oh that is it.

Grabbing it, I threw it out of my face so roughly it felt like I may have pulled some of it out.

I gathered my hair up, smoothing it back to pull into a ponytail so it would stop this incessant whipping. My cheeks are stinging. I never thought I could be scratched by own hair before but apparently it's more than possible.

I turned my head so I wouldn't elbow Daryl, and pulled the elastic, looping my hair through until I was satisfied but while I had my hands up, we hit a bump.

I didn't even feel myself falling before I was grabbing Daryl's shoulders.

He started, and I caught his questioning eye in the side mirror. I gave a sheepish apologetic look before his eyes were back on the road and mine moved to the RV in the mirror.

Are they...?

I looked over my shoulder and my mouth made an 'O'. They are, those little shits.

I watched Glenn and Dale laughing at me through the windshield. Glenn's face is turning red, why that little—

I stuck out my tongue and flipped them both off despite a smile creeping at the corners of my own lips and they just laughed harder.

Oh I will remember this, you oompa-loompas. You best watch your backs.

Turning forward again, my hand found Daryl's shoulder once more and it occurred to me how...comfortable he is. Comfortable may be the wrong word, but as far as I can tell he's not uncomfortable.

I've known Daryl for a significant time now, and considering how he is with people standing too close to him, I'm surprised he's alright with my touching him. Even if I don't really have much of a choice.

It's not like we haven't touched before, but it's mostly brief and small like bumping elbows or shoulders. The longest we've ever made physical contact -that I remember- I believe was when I was so drunk I was staggering like a walker.

I don't remember exactly how that went down, but I do remember most of it. I think.

I kept my grip loose, not wanting to make it awkward, or seem like I was invading his space but I do admit to adjusting my strength every so often; just to see how he would react.

Sometimes I let my curiosity get ahead of me, but when am I gonna get another chance like this? This might be my only chance to see just how much rapport we have at the moment.

We've been through alot together, all of us, but it's no secret there are only a handful of people Daryl seems to trust -even on a rudimentary level.

I don't know what I expected from this "experiment" but what I found was interesting. My grip could get steadily tighter over a few minutes and Daryl only glanced at me if my knuckles started to pale. If my grip got suddenly tighter, he glanced almost immediately, actually looking over his shoulder once; I think I pinched a nerve in his shoulder that time though. But what was really surprising was if my grip got too loose, the look he gave me in that mirror could almost be considered a glare. I'm a little afraid to know what he'd do if I let go now.

I don't think I'm gonna test it. He might already be on to me. Those last few looks seemed a little weird. And now my fingers are actually starting to cramp.

The CDC's a loooong way behind us. We've been driving through the countryside for longer than my attention span can handle. Fresh air is great and all, but my nose is really cold now, and even my shoulders have tightened up.

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