Chapter 160

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Daryl's POV

It was dark by the time we got back to the prison.

Glenn sniped one that was in our way from the top of the guard tower and Axel banged on the fence with tools, leading the walkers out of the way while Oscar opened the gate and shut it quickly behind us.

I didn't have to stop or slow down for even a second as the inner entrance gate was already open and Big Tiny opened the second one as I drove up the gravel path, using my feet on the ground to keep it steady until the wheels were back on the pavement.

I didn't bother parking my bike correctly, I stopped it 20 feet from the chain-cage protecting the cell block door, and was almost off quicker than Maggie.

I grabbed my crossbow and followed Maggie inside, almost running inside.

The second she was in the door Maggie called for her sister and went to one of the metal tables everyone's sitting around to start making the formula, while I went straight to Carl and the crying baby.

"How's she doin?"

A loud cry answered my question before he could and I reached my hands out for her. Her head fits in my hand like a softball.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Carl apologized to the baby wrapped in one of Lori's shirts, like he's done something wrong, as he passed her to me.

I quietly shushed her as I maneuvered her into my arms until her head was safely tucked in the crook of my elbow and I carefully rose back up, gently swaying back and forth and bouncing her just a little.

Her cries quieted but didn't stop until Beth came over and handed me a bottle.

I took the warm bottle from her and put the nib against the baby's mouth.

"Come on. come on." I softly nudged and the gentle encouragement worked. She opened her mouth and started sucking on the bottle and as soon as it was in her mouth she quieted down completely.

A smile pulled up the corners of my lips.

I breathed a chuckle and glanced up. The relieved smile on Maggie's face was contagious. And we shared a little moment of assurity before I looked back down at the baby. We did it. We made it in time.

This little girl in my arms is gonna be ok.

And another unconscious smile pulled my lips tighter, reaching all the way through my eyes as she looked at me. Little dark brown eyes, the same shade as her mother's and Eve's hair.

"She got a name yet?" I asked Carl, trying really hard to keep the smile on my face small. That's hard when you're holding the newborn baby you just succeeded in saving while the hungry little sucker gulps down the warm formula like she breathes the stuff. I only know one other person who eats like this.

"Mm, not yet." Carl shook his head. "But I was thinking, maybe Sophia."

I froze but watched him carefully, quietly waiting for him to continue.

"Then there's Carol too. And..." Carl took a sorrowful breath. The kid looks like life is slowly being drained out of him. "Andrea, Amy ... Jacqui. Patricia. Or... Lori — I don't know." He shook his head turning away, and looked down at his shoes; discouraged and hiding under the brim of his sheriff's hat.

"Yeah..." I breathed, looking back down at the baby as she started to get a little stronger, a little more aggressive in sucking the formula out. "You like that? Huh? Little ass-kicker?"

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