Chapter 91

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Randall jumped, his mouth dropped open as the woman hit the ground with a 'Thud' and didn't move.

A red river poured over her forehead and Shane heaved; knelt over the still form of a woman he actually once respected, on the same level as he respected his partner.

Eve reminded him a lot of Rick when things first started. And it appears she is... was, too much like him.

Randall covered his mouth with his hand, part of him convinced the man standing over the woman glaring at the limp body like a gladiator, could hear him breathing even from this distance.

A growling breath rushed into his lungs as Shane looked around and for a moment, felt nothing but triumph.

The same triumph he felt whenever he and Rick would arrest a suspect that tried to be clever or tried to run. That rush of adrenaline from emerging as the victor.

He managed to take down Evelyn Rider. Someone he actually thought was untouchable before. Someone he knew could've taken his life as easy as whistling, at her prime.

She put up more of a fight than Odis but that was expected. Evelyn Rider was not the type of person to go down easy. It's a miracle he took her down as fast as he did and he has the search for Sophia to thank. So I guess one good thing came outta that disaster.

This changes everything though.

Randall? Ain't nobody gon' care if he's dead but Eve? The most universally respected person of the entire group — Daryl won't be the only one tryna skin him alive if any a them figure out what he just did. Hell even Carl might wanna kill 'im for this.

As soon as they realize she's gone they won't let this go.

Shane looked around and came late to the realization that little prick is long gone.

A snarl tore from his blood covered mouth, the fresh stuff still seeping from his badly broken nose as he stormed over and swiped both guns off the forest floor, small brown leaves and sticks clinging to the cool metal as he did so.

He's gotta come up with something — something to explain all a this. A plan stormed in his mind as he stalked away in a fury. Bits and pieces of an already half formed idea trying to mash themselves together into something that'll fit.

Randall watched, not making a sound until that man was long gone. He wanted to jump out and run as soon as he was out of sight but his wrists are still bound and as soon as he moved his leg he winced and slammed his sweaty filthy palms over his lips the moment the slightest sound of pain slipped from them.

His heart stopped, eyes blowing wide, and his entire body went rigid; frozen in place, every panicked corner of his brain telling him not to move and buzzing with 'Did he hear' because if he did... he's as good as dead.

If that woman couldn't win that fight what chance does Randall have against him? About as much of a chance as the risen dead crawling back into their own graves and going back to being just that; Dead.

Minutes must've ticked by before the shaken injured man deemed it safe enough to slowly crawl from the bushes, still looking around like an animal of prey making sure it's safe before leaving it's burrow.

His eyes flickered like poorly wired lights from thing to thing; between the still body of that lady who tried to help him, to the trees surrounding, to the direction that man stalked off, and finally to what would be his salvation.

Two beautiful crafter shimmering steel blades. One stuck in a log, the other buried in the dirt and slanted over but still upright and stuck in the earth like it'd tried it's damndest to carve up the ground itself.

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