“Aww I'm always interested.”

“Can I help you with something? And before you answer, know that if you make any perverted comment or sexual innuendo, I will kick you.”

He laughed again

“Oh nothing, just wondering what it takes to put smile like that on your face. Since I have never seen it.”

“Oh, just simple respect and kindness will do it.”

“Hmm. Here I thought it was the potential of getting laid.”

I kicked him in the shin.

“Oww! What the fuck?!” He screamed.

“I warned you. Maybe one day you will stop being disgusting and treat me with respect.”

“Sorry, women have to earn their respect from me.”

“Oh my, I wonder what that entails.” I said in a snide manner.

“At the risk of getting kicked again, I'll let your imagination run wild.”

“Don't you have somewhere to be? Like liquoring up some poor, young girl you want to take advantage of.”

“Take advantage of, ha. Girls throw themselves at me, I don't have to do a thing.” He scoffed.

“How lucky for you. Can I end this pointless conversation now? I have things to do.”

“Aww, come now, Olivia. Call him by his first name.”

“GOD! You just can't help yourself, can you?!”

“It just amused me to see you so worked up. What can I say? You're sexy when you're angry.”

I took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

“Fine, then I won't give you the satisfaction. Have a lovely night, Mr. Brower.”

I walked to my car and called Riley.

“Oh my God! FINALLY! I haven't heard from you since the day after your night with Mr. Romantic.” She answered.

“I'm sorry, things have been crazy. Speaking of, Jonah asked me to do something tonight.”

“No way! Don't you have a date Friday already?” She asked.

“We do! That is something I'm worried about. Being dressing up and attending special events isn't me. I don't look the part.”

“What do you mean?”

“Let's face it, I'm a little alternative looking. Tattoos, piercings, and colorful hair. I'm not exactly fancy fundraiser material.”

“Who cares?! The people who picked you for your role liked the way you look. They will love you! It's clear Jonah likes you the way you are, that's all that matters.”

I had a with of relief. She always knew what to say.

“Thank you. I feel better.”

“Good. Make sure you shave above the knee.”

I laughed.

“I definitely will. How have you been?”

“I have been good. Just the usual.”

“How are people back home?”

“Good. Although, Jakob has been asking about you.”

Jakob is my ex-boyfriend. Things were very Rocky between us to say the very least. It didn't end well at all. Bennett reminds me a lot of him. Probably why I can't stand him, that and his personality.

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