A Little Bit Dangerous (But Baby That's How I Want It)

Start from the beginning

Jungkook raised the flashlight above his head and shines it on the small group by the wall, watching as they run, drop their spray cans, and run like hell. Maybe this will just be a warning and next time he'll bring the rain. "Next time, I'm bringing the whole fucking squad to round your asses up!" he shouts at their retreating figures, hearing aluminum beer cans and glass bottles strike the rocks as they're dropped in a hurry.

He still stands there, flashlight above his head, because he hasn't seen that head of lavender hair tear ass out of the area and he's just waiting for him to come out. Taehyung's always stuck behind and Jungkook can bet that this time is no different. "If anyone's still here, step out immediately with your hands above your head!"

This had been a really shitty week, but Kim Taehyung had come out alive. Finals week at Seoul National University was always hell. It felt like Taehyung had survived his organic chemistry final by the skin of his teeth, fueled by nothing more than overpriced espresso drinks and bubble tea. Being a biochem dual major at one of the most prestigious universities in Seoul was nothing to shake a stick at, but after a grueling semester and a crappy week, Taehyung was ready to let off some steam.

It wasn't a secret that Taehyung ran with a pretty delinquent crowd. Whenever they had free time they drank, smoked, and generally caused a ruckus wherever they could. One of their favorite hangout spots was under this dilapidated bridge over the Han River. Hardly anyone bothered them, so the group of college students was able to leave their mark on the crumbling concrete walls in the form of neon spray paint in vuglar symbols without much fuss.

There was, however, always some concerned citizen that didn't have anything fucking better to do with their time than to call the cops and report 'disturbances'.

They'd been hanging around the bridge for nearly an hour now, their surroundings illuminated by small lanterns dotted here and there, and Taehyung was two beers in. It wasn't enough to have him drunk, but just enough that everything was more funny than it should have been, his tongue looser. He was just putting the finishing touches on a newer piece they'd all been working on - a large mural proclaiming "fuck the police" in large, bold characters - when the tell-tale sound of a car door slamming alerted the rest of the crew.

"Aw, shit, man. Someone called the cops!"

Taehyung is up too high, perched precariously on one of the higher embankments, so he could only watch as his friends dropped their cans and ran, kicking over empty beer bottles as they went. The lavender haired male lets out a heavy breath, bangs fluttering over his brow with the force of it, rolling his eyes when he hears a familiar voice calling out, echoing under the now almost deserted bridge.

He'd particularly enjoyed tormenting Officer Jeon Jungkook over the last year. It alway seemed that the rookie cop was the one to answer calls involving Taehyung and his friends, but Taehyung was always mouthy and flippant to the last.

"Hey, Officer Jeon~" he drawls, leaping down from his perch with what could only be described as feline grace. Mockingly, he raises his hands over his head when the flashlight brushes over his features, eyes slitted against the bright light. "Get tired of being the coffee boy? Or did you pick the short straw today for who took our call?"

Jungkook grits his teeth as boots clack against concrete and the college student reveals himself with his hands mockingly above his head. He keeps the flashlight trained on him as he steps closer, his handcuffs clinking against his hip with every step.

"What I do is none of your business," he responds coolly, clicking the flashlight off and tucking it back into its pouch, the velcro snapping shut. Darkness washes over them and the lanterns only provide weak sources of light that flicker across the features of their faces and the dark police uniform Jungkook's wearing.

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