Maze A

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As the next day had come, Addison bummed around the Glade since she and the others Runners weren't allowed out in the Maze

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As the next day had come, Addison bummed around the Glade since she and the others Runners weren't allowed out in the Maze. Alby and Minho were going out there to figure things out while the rest went to work. Thomas remained with Chuck, who could help him explain things that he briefly knew of. Thomas knew Newt and Addison were the only two who gave him answers, although it was hard, he managed to do so. 

She leaned against a large fallen tree with Chuck beside her, who whittled away at the small piece of wood. Zart and Newt hitting the base of the trunk with machetes and the other few Gardeners were cutting wood and putting them aside for fire wood. Addison watched as Thomas asked questions about what was going on. She held a book in hand, a book in which she logged all the information in which she knew about Maze B. 

Elizabeth was her friend, neither of them knew they were related, they simply had a connection because of their telepathy. Neither knew why it was only them who could speak that way, let alone how it even worked. Elizabeth was sure the Maze's walls were too tall and dense to get such connection through to one another. Addison went with the flow after two months and began to believe that it was just meant to be.

Neither knew what the other looked like exactly, only being able to tell one another what they looked like from what people had told them. "Why would Alby go into the Maze? He's not a Runner."

"Things are different now." Newt spoke, glancing away from the trunk stump to Thomas, Chuck, and Addison. The three together by the down tree. "They went to retrace Ben's footsteps before sundown...Are you gonna help?" He changed the subject, looking to the boy who talked more than he worked.

"Okay, so he's gonna go back to where he was stung-"

"Alby knows what he's doin'." Newt pointed the machete to Thomas, hair falling over his face. "Knows better than any of us."

Newt had thrown a few hits to the tree's roots at the bottom as Zart was chipping away. "What does that mean?"

Newt scratched the side of his head, pulling away from the tree. "All right, it's like you heard, yeah? The Box sends someone up every month. Someone had to be first. Someone had to of spent a whole month int he Glade alone. That was Alby...I mean, it can't of been easy, but when the other boys started coming up one after the other, he saw the truth. And he learned that the most important thing is that we have each other. 'Cause we're all in this togetha."

Thomas took it all into consideration to try and understand everything going on. He then got up and grabbed the machete off the side of the down tree to help the two boys. Chuck watching since he wasn't doing his job, but they couldn't get him in trouble for that, he was young. They all looked over one another's backs anyhow. 

As the afternoon came, it was raining, down pouring. The boys scattered below shelters in and around the Homestead to keep dry. They all watched the doors to see when the other two would be back, to ask their questions on what happened. Addison's butt was soaked as she sat on the muddy ground and boys insisted one after the other she take their place on the dry seating areas, but she refused.

In her own world, she was speaking to Elizabeth, however, they weren't talking about their respective Mazes and the problems going on, they were holding a nice conversation about what each of their lives would be like outside the Maze. Gally glancing over every now and then at the girl with a smile to her face and Newt noticed she held that book around, a journal from what they knew.

I'd live in the country. Addison said. Out in the open, I already know what life is like. Maybe I can do it by my own rules then. She smiled to herself.

No, the beach. Where sand never stops and the ocean goes on forever. Elizabeth communicated. What comes after this? When we're older?

Who knows, I sure don't. Shuck, I don't even know what comes tomorrow half the time.

Me neither. It's just another day I have to live in order to survive. 

You know, I always wondered what it'd be like to live in the cold and snow. I remember seeing it and knowing it exists, but I don't remember playing in it. Or touching it. 

Oh, me too! I wondered what life was like in the warmth where the sun was hot and enjoyable. And if dirt really is brown and sandy like rather than hard as ice.

Newt's creased brows were always that way, only this time, more knitted together as he looked over to the girl sitting in the mud, book held to her chest. She was smiling for no reason, which was nice, but he didn't know why. She was laughing to herself, none of the boys knew why either.

"Addy?" Newt spoke and Thomas turned, looking back at the girl. The girl opened her eyes and looked up to meet the many pairs of eyes staring at her. 


"What's the laughter for?" Gally asked. "I don't know what's funny."

She shrugged and inhaled, pulling herself up, a hand to Gally's knee as she pulled herself up and he watched her. "Oh, it's nothing." She answered.

"Are you sure?" Newt asked, his 'sure' sound like 'shore' from his accent. 

Addison nodded. "What's that book of?" Thomas pointed.

"It's her journal." Chuck jumped into the conversation. "She writes in it here and there."

"Thanks, Chuck for the opinion." Addison looked over to him. "It's none of your business what's in here, it's my personal belonging." 

Ugh, boys.

I don't have that problem.

Addison laughed to herself at Elizabeth's response. "What now?" Thomas asked.

"One day, you'll find out what's in this book. It'll change everything." Addison finished and turned away. Mud caked her ass as she walked off and no one said a thing about it. They were all a little wet from the rain and slightly muddy, but they knew not to tell her how she looked because either way, she'd blow a gasket on them. At least all the boys had been slapped by her at least once and if they hadn't, they were doing something right.

Thomas continued to question that Alby and Minho weren't back yet. Addison wandered off to a different hut and Gally had soon joined her. Arms above his head resting on one of the branches used to keep the shelter up. "What'd you mean about that journal?"

"Exactly what I said, Gal." She answered and turned to face him. "It will one day change all of your perspectives."

He nods. "Next time, I wouldn't say it around the Greenie. The kid's jacked with questions as it is."

She knew that. "I know and you guys always ask what this book is. I'll give you a word." She told him, eyes glued to the open doors and rain was slowly becoming less as the afternoon was passing by. "Maze."

He laughed, that didn't help him much at all, he had no idea what it meant. He patted her shoulder as she laughed. 

When it came closing time for the doors, the Gladers gathered together by the entrance of the Maze. Newt was in charge, handling everything around camp and he assured everyone that Minho and Alby would return before the doors closed. He knew it. They always came back no matter what. 

Now, they stood in a group waiting at the doors.

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