Maze A

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Some of you may have noticed the sequence in this story doesn't quite match up to the book/movie. I'm trying to approach this the best way possible, considering I'm tackling two different story lines that would soon match up. So, I need to try and get them started with some fun before getting to more serious parts of the book.

We got a Blondie yesterday. A boy.

Addison got up from her hammock, glancing around at the other to see if they were asleep still. She noticed a few hammocks were empty. The Runners. They were awake, the Maze would be opening soon, however, Addison didn't want anyone to think she was crazy if they awoke to her face being contorted in confusion. Maybe they're trying to do something. Maybe they're telling us something?

I don't know, but I don't like it.

"Addison, what're you doing out here?" Gally stopped her, he'd seen her leaving towards the Deadheads.

She laughed nervously, swallowing the lump in her throat and ran a hand through her hair. "Um, I- I'm going for a walk." She lied. "Yeah." She nodded to herself, sure that was what she was doing.

The boy's arms folded across his chest, feet apart, as his stance was tall as he stared at her, unsure if she was telling the truth about it or not. No one went to the Deadheads for fun or a walk. "In the Deadheads? Where it's dark and Beetle Blades roam?" He questioned her. "Yeah, nice try."

"Gally I don't see what the issue is." She crossed her arms over her chest, staring him in the eye. "I can handle myself fine."

"We know that, but leave the Deadheads for people like Thomas or Sloppers like Chuck." He patted her shoulder and walked off. "Besides, Maze's gonna open soon, you might as well get your shucking butt over there."

"See you later." She nodded, turning away and jogged off.

We can't say anything wrong about this or people will be suspicious. Trust me, the time I brought up the potential aspect about there being another Maze, I was put to bed rest for three days.

The girl on the other side of the telepathy answered back. People already are, Addy. I'm a leader, I have to keep people from not attacking one another. This boy was weird, he knew one of the people, yet she didn't know him.

That is odd. Do you think we'll get a second Greenie?

Maybe. I don't know.

Addison jogged over towards the Gate where the Maze was going to slowly start opening, the sun barely shining over the Maze walls on the early morning. She fixed the leather straps over each shoulder that served almost as a harness, but held a small bag with emergency supplies and a holder for her weapon. She carried a knife on her thigh in a holster and a machete on her back, attached to a holder on her leather semi vest.

"Hey, there the Shank is." Minho laughed. "Are you ready to run?" He joked.

"Watch your bloody mouth, Minho." Newt shook his head, keeping himself from laughing. Newt usually greeted the Runners off and heard their plan for the day. He usually tried greeting them at the end of the day too, but it was hard to estimate when they would return.

She nodded. "Ready as I'll ever be. And Newt, don't worry. I can handle some smack from these old Shanks." She smiled, hearing a gasp or two and punched Ben's shoulder playfully. 

Newt simply listening, as per normal, to the conversations. "Anyway, let's go. Big day ahead of us." Minho spoke up.

"See you later. Don't get bloody lost." Newt nods to all of them.

"We'll try." Addison giggled. "Kidding." She faced him.

As the large doors began to slowly pull away from one another, a crunching noise was heard as concrete was grinding against concrete and old rusted metal gears turned to pull them back. All four doors moving at the same time. As the opening between the doors got big enough to slip through, Minho jogged inside first, followed by Addison, then Ben and Hank, proceeded by a few more Runners.

As the Runners were on the other side of the wall, Newt turned away and headed back to the Homestead to get a bite to eat before he started his long day of work. Chuck had met him partway through his meal and sat down, asking question after question for the sake of talking, and Newt endured every minute of it. Meanwhile, in the Maze, Addison branched off from the group and headed her own way as she ran. Minho wanted to cover as much ground as he could. He knew the Maze had been explored as much as it could and there was nothing left to search, but Alby didn't want anyone to know the Maze had been completed of it's search. He did not need boys to panic and fear not escaping the Glade. It was best to keep it safe.

What's he like?

The boy seems to be our age, at most, because he has childlike features. An innocence feel about him. I don't know much else, he passed out after calling Rachel's name. Hasn't been awake since yesterday. Elizabeth answered telepathically.

Hmm. Addison slowed her pace as turned a corner that was all too familiar. Even though the walls changed every night and certain sections opened every month, she'd ran long enough to memorize those patterns. I know there's something going on. We just need to break from these Mazes.

Agreed. I can't stand living here in this finching place. I want out. You know that too.

I do, because I, and everyone else in these two Mazes, feels the same way.

Addison heard something, the screeching of mechanical like noises, followed by beastly groans. She stopped running, coming to a slow job before she stopped. Brows creased in together, her mouth dropped in curiosity. That noise didn't come around until the doors closed and the Grievers searched the area to kill. She spun in a circle, almost tripping over her own feet, as her eyes stared at the sky and the walls above. She knew the creature couldn't fly, but part of her had a feeling it could.

She'd heard too many stories of Shades, bat-like mechanical creatures that bit. Their bites held enough to kill someone. They had a Crank like disease in their saliva that when bite, non-Immunes will die and Immunes will be injured and sick for a week or so before it heals, depending on the bite. She was fearing Shades were in her Maze, yet, they were part of a completely different experiment, and weather type Maze.

Swallowing hard, she shook her head and pressed her eyes shut. "Keep going, you're fine." She told herself and began to jog off.

Her feet slapped against the cement as she ran, her boots getting to be a bit worn out from the constant running in leather, which tore and peeled, wrinkled from friction and heat. Her feet were constantly smelly and sweaty, but so were the boys', so she fit in well. Addison continued her run through the Maze, unsure of why she was hearing Grievers in the morning. It was odd.

I heard the Grievers and it's the morning, I wonder if the Creators are really trying to tell us something.

Keep skating- I mean running. You guys run, we skate. The girl corrected, laughing to herself on the other side. Just keep going and don't look back. I'm in the midst of skating my Maze.

Good luck.

And to you too, Blondie.

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