Chapter Sixteen

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"We're going to the mall! You guys coming?!" 

I heard Anna yell, her voice was rather enthusiastic. She ran through the hall and jumply to the stairs. Even her steps were that excited. I was inside my room drinking chocolate and watching my laptop for any progress inside my head, for good music, and for the pain that Marshall gave that- kind of person. He may be  older than me but his head has its own childish part. I grimaces thinking about how stupid I was to meet with that guy. After a long thought about it something interrupted me, a buzz from my phone interrupted me. I check it out but I don't know who was the number from, there were only three persons who had my number Anna, Rapunzel and Flynn. 

Hey. I know all your secrets. - Unknown

What? Could this be blackmail? Who is this? Does this person know who I am? What if the people finds out about me. A shiver started before me and I was at the verge of crying. I wanted to call the cops and warn this person but who I am to be listined to I also lie. I haven't thought of how tight I had held my phone. What should I even do? I sighed deeply, I was thinking of calling Flynn about it but it buzzes again, I read it once more it was still the same person.

I'm your worst nightmare Elsa. - Unknown

He or she really blackmailing me. This is stupid- this person could just face me up than being this high and mighty on a phone. Stupid. "Tch, calling this person wouldn't be a problem." I hiss, it was also my curiosity who the person was but then again I was wasn't convinced if he was worthy to be called. Nah. Press. Rang.

"Who is this?" I ask eagerly to know yet my voice was still calm and cold like before. 

"Hey Elsa! It's me Marshall, just kidding at you. If I have seen your face it would be priceless." 

This imbecile, all along it was him, Marshall Lee. What does he think his doing, playing around like this. I can hear his laugh all over my place. This guy. A trickster. "Heyyoustillthere?" Marshall asks holding back his laugh. I don't want to talk to him. I was going to be so cold now and yes I did. It was normal for me to easily be pique, if I was these serious then a foolish response came. I ended the call without a warning and just curled up. Man I'm this weak in the inside. There was another beep on my phone but it was non-stop which mean someone's calling. I peek on who it was it was- the same number. My phone kept on beeping and beeping even if it ended he would still call and left messages after he called. 

"What's with this guy?" I say slightly my voice cracked up and too soft to be heard if someone was in here. I tried on ignoring him but it was getting annoying; the beeping sound then the buzzing. I grab my phone and checked the messages some were from Marshall and Flyyn. Wait, Flynn? I read on Flynn's messages and I was a little blown by it. His messages were all the same. 

I'm sorry sorry sorry T.T It was Marshall's idea and fault. He took my phone with out authorization!! - Flynn

Marshall you dimwit. I read on Marshall's messages next, all of it were apologizes from him except for one. 

I'm really sorry, I was just interested in calling you. But then I realized I have no number of you and it was a great timing for Flynn leaving his phone behind. I should've know better I know you Elsa. - Unknown

"I hate you," I mutter yet he calls back again ang good thing was Anna knocked on the door hard which made me unable to answer his call. "Elsa? Do you wanna go on shopping?" Anna sang like the tone of what she sang  before.  "Come on let's get out to the mall," She continued. Oh Anna. I pursed my lips and smiled. "I'm coming."


"So where shall we guys meet?" Rapunzel interrogates. "Somewhere, I think you guys already knew," Jack smirks. What does that mean? I look at everyone's faces they just had smiles on their faces. Well, tell me where because I don't know where people, but instead of that Anna and Rapunzel quickly drag me and Merida somewhere. "Where are we going again?" I glance at them, then they just smirk. "What?" 

"Don't ye werry lass ye'll fiend out soon," Merida clenches her teeth. I hope it would be a chocolate store we're getting into but let's be not enliven Elsa. Oh curses, me and my big mouth. A bikini shop? What the heck are we standing in front  on this store? 

"Wait, what?" I gave Anna and Rapunzel a question look and Merida's temper were out of hand. "Ay knew the two of ye weyre planning for dis," Merida clenches her knuckles. Strong girl. "Aw come on now Merida, this would be fun out of it. And besides picking out a bikini would surely be useful in the next few months." Anna assures, but Merida hesitated she kept on whining about how stupid this was. Well, she was right. "Now, now Merida," Rapunzel drags Merida inside of it without listening to her complain. "Well, Elsa? How about you?" 

"I'm with Merida on this one." 

"You're still coming with me!" Then Anna drags me the same as how Merida and Rapunzel were both doing. And finally we were defeated. "Hello Ms. Anna and Ms. Rapunzel how may I help you?" A woman came by and bowed. Talking about popularity. "Oh hello! We were just wondering if you had new arrivals?" Rapunzel politely asks. Merida grumps, and whispers something in my ear. "Ye wann escape?" Merida, you're an awesome person.

I nodded as a response. "If you guys are planning on escaping it's useless." Anna smiled slyly. Uhg, come on now. " Please follow me ladies," the lady walks pass us while we followed. This can't be happening right? 

"Anna, why not use our old swimsuit?" 

"Elsa we don't have swimsuits, well maybe except you but I just love shopping. Come on it's going to be fun." Oh yeah, I don't have that at all. Rapunzel and Anna started picking while Merida sat down her elbow rested on her leg and her head rested on her palm. I know how she felt. I sigh. This day though.

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