Chapter Thirteen

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"What's all the fuss about?" I quickly opened the door and suddenly Anna and the others were falling on the floor. And Hiccup is also with them? Nice. Anna was the person who was really squashed from bellow. "Hey Elsa, we were just passing by," Anna barely said. Sister is a sister after all. "What do you want? I asked. All I could think for now was this question, of all things why would they try to bother me. Slowly one by one they all stood up and Anna was the last one to get up. While scratching at the back of her head, she momentarily asked, "I just wanted to ask- I mean "we" wanted to ask you just to hang with us around? Just for a bit".

"And it will be really fun!" Rapunzel continued. "I- I have things to do", I shrugged. "Haddock, do somethin'. I heard and glanced at Merida who whisper-yelled and slapped Hiccup at the back. "I don't even know what to say", Hiccup replied. "I better get to bed", everyone backed up and went back to the living room. I could see disappointment in Anna's eyes. I'm doing it again didn't I? 

I sighed. Slowly I close the door- gently, but someone's foot block it. "What do you want now?" I raised a brow. I slightly got annoyed of Jack's presence now. "You know, if you want something to be back you better do something about it."

To a person who is a brat that said something that makes me guilty, damn it. He started to walk away but- "Wait up."


"Okay! Who's up for spin the bottle?" Rapunzel and Anna both yelled in unison. For cousins they're more fit to be sisters. "Now who wants to be first?" Rapunzel asked as she picked the battle. "Ay lass", Merida grabbed the bottle and spin it. She was too excited I think? 

 I patiently waited for the bottle to stop but- not to stop at me! "What?" I yelled. "Elsa's the one! Merida ask right away," Rapunzel commented. "Truth o'er day're," Merida gave a wide smirk on her face. Damn it, this game made my headache even worse. I could here Jack, Anna and Merida snicker. What are these three planning. Fine- "Truth." 

I gave them a cold stare as to say that I am fighting. "Alrayt', where were ye at our party?" I should have known they would ask this. "Fine, I was at my friends house since he also moved to this place." I simply answered. "He?" Anna asked. She doen't really know about Eugene and Eugene doesn't even know her, fair enough. "Who's a he?" Rapunzel asked the same thing but rather more intrigue. "Yeah? Who's that?" Jack asked again. "One spin, one question, Am I right Frost?" I smirked. He just rolled his eyes looking defeated. "Let's play another game?" Jack complained. 

"Aw- come on now Jack we just started," Anna and Rapunzel pleaded. "Fine." That's what Jack could say. "Your turn Elsa," Rapunzel passed the bottle. Here it goes, I spun the bottle and waited until it stops. 

"Why do I feel so awkward?" Hiccup gulp. I have no idea what to question to Hiccup yet anyway. "Truth or dare?" I shrugged.

Hiccup stared for awhile until we waited for his answer. This guy. "Haddock answer already!" Merida yelled a little annoyed. "Okay- okay, Dare," Hiccup raised both hands in defeat. There's nothing in my brain for a dare. Can't think of anything. Yet, someone tap my shoulder. Jack again? Stop. 

"No ideas?" he whispered. I nodded as a response. "Dare this to Hiccup." Jack leaned in my ear and whispered. Hiccup's gonna kill me I think?


Great. Jack leaned into her ear. This scoundrel. "Okay?" Elsa shrugs. "Hiccup, I dare you to kiss the person you like," Elsa's eyes pitied me, regretting what she said on the other hand Jack and Rapunzel snickered. Great just great.

I glance at Merida who was I don't know what she was doing- she was just staring somewhere. No, I can't do this I mean, Merida doesn't like me in all- this is so frustrating. I heavily sighed. I started to look up at Elsa then gave me a sign. She mouthed the word "lie", of course Hiccup, lie that's a good reason. but think who it is first? Anna? No she's going to punch me. Merida? Not just punch me but I guess she will avoid me. Punzie- she will never speak to me again or she will just say 'Sorry Hiccup, I like someone else and by that, I mean Jack, blah blah blah.' No one else but Elsa. Fine.

I stood up and felt my knees going weak. Sorry about this Elsa. I knelt down and faced Elsa who look rather confused yet she sighed. Guess she understands me. A quick peck on Elsa's cheek was all I need then done. Everyone looked rather shock at what I did but no choice it is. 

 "Seriously?" Anna screamed, like it's the first time. "No way? Are you sure about that?" Jak argued. Okay this is going to a disaster. "Well yeah? What's wrong with that?" I asked. "Hiccup you're lying!" Rapunzel attacked me she was pushing me back and forth on my collar. "Calm down Rap," I raised my hands in defeat. "He's!!" Now both Anna and Jack attacked me. What's wrong with them anyway? 


Right now, the three of them attacked Hiccup. I was rather tired of what they're doing. I saw Merida who just shrugged. "Ay don't get theym," Merida pointed out. While I gave a hint of smile as a response. "You're lying Haddock!" Jack tickled Hiccup's toe. "Stop it guys!" Hiccup laughed. Anna and Rapunzel were locking both Hiccup's hands. They were like a family already. Hiccup, Merida, Rapunzel, Jack, Anna including Kristoff if he was here. Wonder where he is though. I smiled at them then later on it faded but no one notice I mean Merida joined in attacking Hiccup. I sighed. If I was this close to them. 

I stood up silently as they continued on what they were doing.  I was now leaning on the wall watching them. Good thing there was a beep on my phone for some excuse. I walked into the kitchen and took some chocolate chips. 

Elsa!! I have some terrible news to tell you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *dying


Wonder what he wants to whine again? I rolled my eyes. Eugene was my closest friend like for life and he was a lot older than me maybe one year. Too young to have a business.  

'What do you want? -.- *annoyed.'

What he wants must be good or rather interesting not nonsense again like what he used to. Asking on how should he look on meeting his boss, then calling me in the middle of the night for soem advice. Come on. Who's not annoyed in that?

Marshall he's going nuts! You wouldn't believe what he did and what he aid! He wanted me to be his student and your classmate just so we could spend time together also with GB. Also GB started on applying in your school! Marshall said that it would be better if we were this close since you're starting again. lol. He already enrolled me, without me knowing. Marshall and his damn tricks. 


Okay so, what he is saying now. What's happening on Sir Marshalls' mind anyway? This is impossible! He's going to nuts.

Call me.

I better excuse myself properly for them. "Elsa!" Now they're all looking for me. I walk back to the living where I saw them all tired. They were like loosing breath, like running. Now the living room looks like a mess. "What is it?" I groaned. This head ache is killing me. "What do you want to do next?" Anna commented. Why would she even ask me that? I mean I'm not good games unlike when I was a child. "I have no idea- anyway just look- I have someone to talk to so I'll be going outside jsut don't break anything." I walked to the door grab my sweater, it's colder at night. "Who's with you?" Anna asked. 

"I'll just head to some cafe, I needed it badly." 

"I'm coming," Hiccup suggested. I gave him a confuse look, yet he just shrugs it off and ran towards me. "I have something to tell you rather," I scratched the back of his neck. I know where this is going. I nodded as a response. "How about us?" Jack asks.

Not again. "We'' be back shortly," I replied, dragging Hiccup outside and closing the door shut.

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