Chapter 18 part 2

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This is not what she had in mind. Mr. Marshall had been following Elsa recently since then. After declining his offer of eating lunch together he has been everywhere, sometimes dragging her around with GB.

"Elsa, come on it's just the three of us, nothing bad can happen to that, right?" Marshall glance over at GB with pleading eyes to help him convince her yet GB just shrug off not minding him entirely. Marshall started to sulk but it didn't made him stop from there, so he continued on asking or convincing her about it.

"GB, help me out here?" Marshall almost gave up with a sigh and a big frown on his face, he leaned on GB's right shoulder. "No, let her be," GB pushed him away with the use of his right foot. "Stupid GB." Marshall pouted, he stared back over Elsa who was now gone?

'Wait. Where'd she go?' he thought.

"You scared her." GB jokingly said but his face was still calm as ever. 

"Shut up."


"Elsa? You okay?" Rapunzel asked Elsa who was sitting a bit tensed up for some reason. "Yeah, it's just-" Elsa started but she stopped once she remembered Marshall's pursuance. "Is it about Sir Marshall?"

"Yeah." She openly stated. It was her cousin, now's the time they get along together well now right? But she still had that problem, 'Marshall Lee'. Whenever she thought about those days it would make her want to stop for a reason. 

It's the third subject of the day and it ended pretty well and lunch time would be next which means Marshall would be there again bugging her, as a teacher he was pretty childish.

"Elsa!" Marshall came running towards Elsa who was hiding her face from embarrassment. As he was close by Rapunzel blocked him and totally excused the both of you. Rapunzel hurriedly drag you out of the hall and went out into the grounds of the school.

"Thank you, Punzie. I am in your debt." Elsa appreciates while catching some air for awhile.

"No worries, why was Sir Marshall so persistent to you anyway?" Rapunzel suddenly asked out of curiosity. Of course Elsa wanted to tell the truth but that would be pretty ridiculous telling your cousin that 'I am a DJ. Sir Marshall and Sir GB are both one of my partners.' 


"He actually wanted me to do something stupid. But it would be too tiring." Elsa reason out. She was likely sweating, that was stupid reason to come out with. "Oh! Okay. We should get back to the cafeteria Anna and the others might be waiting." Rapunzel smiled.

'Lucky' Elsa thought and walked back with Rapunzel. Who wouldn't know it was a kind of reason.


Lunch and classes ended pretty well for Elsa. Marshall wasn't in the cafeteria during lunch time and his class, he didn't call her or let her remain after the dismissal but something came for the worst.

Elsa! Flynn's here! Meet us at the back of the school - Marshall Lee

A message was received by Elsa, for her it was like a warning but Marshall on the other hand it was business. "He is so excited." Elsa groaned, she has to deal with the two idiots, Marshall and Flynn. GB has a different level on both though because he doesn't mind at all. "Why would Flynn be here anyway?" Elsa asked herself. She looked back at Anna and told her that she would stay for awhile since she forgot something. Anna nodded for her sister, she's grown up now.


"Elsa!" Flynn yelled while waving, Elsa was headed towards them and Flynn was slightly scared at Elsa's expression. "She's gonna kill me." Flynn mumbled while grabbing GB's arm and making him his shield. "Flynn." Elsa groaned, also she glared at Marshall who was staring at them. "I hate you guys for this, except for GB. He's a good guy." Elsa went straight to Flynn's car without looking back.

"Hey! That's mean Elsie." Flynn whined but he was still on GB's back. "He's right." Marshall defended Flynn. One thing for sure this years will be the same than last year.


"Come on Elsa! Please!" Marshall pleaded. Tomorrow, Marshall wanted to have lunch together with Elsa and GB since they didn't do it today maybe tomorrow would be fine.

"No." Elsa grumbled. He had been pleading at the beginning of the ride until they were inside Flynn's unfinished club. "Elsa! I'm begg-" Marshall was once again doing the annoying thing until he was hit by a cake. He wiped the his face and glared at Flynn who was hysterically laughing at his friend. As to Elsa she was covering her mouth to prevent from laughing.

Marshall picked the cake up from the floor and was about to hit Flynn who raised his hand and pointed at GB. "GB. You." Marshall wickedly grinned at GB who has his back turned to Marshall.

"You! Pink-Haired Man!" then he threw it aiming GB.

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