Chapter Eight

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The first day I stepped into that club, a little weak yet everything changed, maybe because I want to be changed. Though I don't really know what to do when I stepped inside, I was almost kicked out of the bar until he helped me up.


Flynn waved his hand, he wore a bright smile. He was like a brother waiting for his younger sister in pre-school. It's like a year since I have'nt seen him. "Flynn!" I ran towards him, joyfully. "Hey, Els. How's been school?" Flynn asked. I smiled at him brightly and answered. "Not much, how about you? How's back home? The bar? and how did you get here?" I kept on questioning until he face palmed. "Calm down Elsa- please, I'll answer everything so just chill down will you?" I remained raising my brow and glared at him. He's always like this, but at least he's here. "Actually I was about to come here tomorrow well as we all know I break rules sometimes- I" I broke him. "How!? Who gave you money?!" 

"Els chill down- anyway, I got promoted and I was a kinda became a manager in a club in this town I can't deny since you'll be living here for years, and it's sad," He chuckled. I was happy he missed me, of course we were friends, he was my only friend and knows my other me, besides Anna. "So- you're staying here?" 

'Well yeah, if I keep my hard work on it? I think? In other words you have not replied me back, Mystricks?" He suddenly asked. Well yeah I forgot but I was too busy, I was a little unsure of what to say so it took me a couple of seconds until he face palmed again. "Just don't answer," he said.

I laughed at what he said so we continued on talking until I have not noticed I was already late, for my next class. Even Flynn noticed it was already time, so he pointed at back at the hall so I can go to next class. Of course I did not hesitate, but I wanted to stay and chat but no need anymore, I ran as fast as I could. I heard Flynn calling, "Just call me when you're done!" I smiled and continued on running.


 It has been three minutes since I arrived at class, but Elsa still was not there. She was always the one who comes first before me this time it was her, odd. I lay my foot on the table and waited for the teacher, though I hate teachers no offense. Girls were still at me, talking about blah blah blah, until I noticed Iana. She was staring at me, until she caught me looking at her and she immediately looked away. I grinned, stood up and went to her then greeted, "Hello." She looked up to me with slight blush, "Hello to you too," she replied. I started the conversation, about her, simple but she has a kind of thing about tooth. Then I asked where was Elsa but she does not know, so I still continued our conversation. Nothing much was about her I mean maybe because she's a simple kind of girl like Elsa. Talking about Elsa, we stopped when she comes, she was sweating and panting. She must have been running. She sighed then walked towards her table at the back seat. Why does she always want to be in the backseat anyway? Loner type? No. It's because she's cold? Like me, but I'm always cold to the persons I don't like nor am I annoyed to. When she sat already, I continued on talking to Iana, but always glancing at Elsa. Why? Because it's rare that she's smiling while looking outside the window. How I see her during classes is that she's too serious, smart, sassy and of course cold to me especially. We kept on chatting, until another student came inside saying that our instructor was absent because of some surgery, so we were free. Everyone yelled, and slowly ran off the class, while I just stood up and waved at Iana who's red. I went to Elsa who also stood up and humming taking her things with her. "Elsa," I called out. She hummed in response. "Are you heading somewhere?" I asked. Why so sudden Jack-ass? "Oh I- I don't know exactly but-?"

Wow, she changed? Instead of being sassy and cold towards me she's being nice. What the hell happened to her? Did she hit her head or something? "Jack?" Elsa snapped her fingers before me. Damn. I looked dumb thinking about it. "I'm going to the library I think," she replied. She grabbed her books then headed off leaving me behind. She's changed? 

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