conplan 8888

14 4 0

The jingle of a welcoming bell blasted through the shop, putting to shame James expert attempt of opening the door James bond style.

Broken glass broke and cracked under his feet, playing like an orchestra as he stepped in.

For some Reason all the window were shattered allowing  sunlight to flood in and cast rectangular shaped light bands on the light Brown wooden looking tiles, which were illuminated by the ray of tens of hissing light bulbs.

The wooden reception table was smeared with coffee and  red stains leaving a blood metallic cocoa smell in the air.

A sign made of wood hung crookedly on the wall  The light bulbs that were meant to spell flowers now spelt "low" as most of the bulbs had gone out.

A shuffling sound in the distance caught his attention, but his line of sight was cut off by the little trees in pots that lined the center of the shop.


The cry of an unknown man served as his guide, hammering at his heart and drilling his mind.  His relentless search  was cut short as he stumbled upon a man on the ground, with a flower pot separating him from the teeth's of slender woman in a blue uniform.
In two suppressed shots her brain exploded leaving bits of brain matter on the bloody man in a suit.

"Thank you" he said in between gasps taking James hand as he stood up.

"I take it this isn't your first date" James said slightly nodding towards the carcass of a woman.

" Sorry i don't kiss and tell" he said as he picked up a bloody chunk of brain matter from his head gagging a little.

"Hope you didn't..... Um you know get bitten"

"Oh no, heavens no i didn't thanks to you at least"  the man said as he seemed to finally catch his breath.
"I'm saif by the way"

"James by name, wanna tell me what your doing here"

"My group is out back, I'm the only one healthy enough to get check the perimeters. I guess i did a crappy job.

what of you are you alone?"

"No, but mind if we stay with you the night, we promise to be gone by tomorrow"

"No its ok, you can join us, the more the merrier right".


Its been hours since James run in with saif, the two groups had gone through their introductions, and James had finally patched fortune up as everyone waited for her to regain consciousness.

The static from the radio played subtly in the background as the boys talked with each other a few feet from fortune's unconscious body which was looked over by Ashely while James took a nap.

"Zombie Hitler or zombie bin laden"  Ben asked as he ate some of the biscuits Jackson had packed as food for the road.

"Definitely zombie Hitler" ray said as tuned the radio.
"Attention, attention all" said a female voice from the radio, captivating everyone who was awake.

"This is a national emergency. The national oceanic and atmospheric administration has detected an anomaly that will affect the greater part of the united state.

" You and your loved one are advised to find your way to the nearest fallout, as we execute phase 3 of  conplan 8888.

"This is a national......" The radio said as the broadcast began to play on repeat.

"They have to be joking right" James said through sleepy eyes that cursed Jackson for waking him up.
"What conplan 8888" Brown asked as the whole room stared at Jackson.

"It started as joke, a way of teaching US marines to plan a war strategy.

"It the united Nations counter attack plan for a zombie invasion."

"We have that" Ben said his mouth open oblivious to his cartoon like expression.

"Its a 5 step plan" James said as he stood up

"Step one....dater...... Basically they attack anyone who feels the zombie apocalypse is a good time to attack the country."

"Smart" Ben said, silenced by the venomous looks from the whole room.

"Step two.....seize initiative...." James said as he began to pace the room, sneaking a peek at fortune every now and then.

"All soliders are called back home to serve for a waiting period of 35 days"
"No shit" ray said as he stared at Jackson who had his hands in his head.

"Step three... -" Jackson said as he swallowed so hard everyone heard it. "- dominate".

"Wait the plan is to go all john wick on the zombies" Ben asked as he clenched unto his handgun.

"I guess so-" jackson said as he ran his hands through his hair "- we have to leave tomorrow".

"Why can't we just wait for the marines to find us. Phase 3 is already in action, right?".

"Think brown, this things are sensitive to sound, so what do you think a lot of gunshot would do" jackson said his voice a little higher than planned as concern and stress drew patterns on his head.

"Everyone get some sleep, we move at first light." Jackson said as he left the backroom.


Flowers were always a symbol of love, tranquility and peace. Three things jackson missed the most in his life.

The cold breeze from the shattered window pressed against his face bringing with it the sweet smell of roses that sat close to the window.

"You know Jane had a rose bush" James said as he sat beside  jackson on the white bench which was fixed to the wall.

"I'm really sorry about her" Jackson said staring away dreamily.

"I know its a lot on you, but they need you, we all do"
"That old man today, I could have saved him. I could have helped him, yet i pulled the trigger that ended him."

"He was going to turn you did your best"

"Really and what of Jones did we do our best" Jackson said as a tear drop rolled out his eyes.

"I know how you feel"

"Really do you really do.
I called the shots, but he paid the price".

"Do you know why i left the army."
James asked as sadness crept into his eyes.

Sigh, " it was a simple in and out mission, get prince and get out. Simple right well it was untill, the pressure etched on my skin and i lost it.

"I -" gulp "-killed everyone, hostile and friendly."
So believe me when I say i know how you feel."

"Wow.. I didn't expect that."

"I'm a man with a dark past and a bloody future. Of course I'm full of surprises" James said as the two of them chuckled at his excuse for a joke.

"James, if I'm not afraid of death, does it make me like that old man".

"Well some wise guy somewhere once said " if a man says his not afraid of death, his either lying or is a solider", you are who you are".

"Why do you sound so wise"

"Well i did become a dad" James said laughing with a sacarstic smile.

"My only fear is them dying.
I don't wanna be alone with my thoughts"

"Then lead them so they survive" James said as he stood up to stretch.

"Dig up that grave of a commander and raise the dead, that's what the whole worlds doing right?"

"Now get some sleep, its my turn to take watch" James said with a smile that can only be described as fatherly.