sewer ways

8 5 1

The orange light of daybreak steadily poured into the city, it's brightness chasing away the gloom of darkness that grasped the city.

The city on I own path was dark for a different reason as all form of order was lost.

Ray who had taken the wheel from saif to allow him rest, was forced to watch as people broke into stores, stealing as much supplies as they can, his hands forced to work overtime as he maneuvered the van along the road, trying his best to dodge the cars that had been abandoned at different angles around the road.

He drove silently as he wondered why someone would leave a perfectly good dodge charger on the road with both doors open.
The sounds of a siren over took the air growing louder as he drove by an ambulance which was imbedded in the wall of a shop whose sign board said "Mr Pablo's pasteries".

The car came to stop as two buses blocked the road ahead. Ray grunted turning back to see who was awake and could help move the car. Everyone was fast asleep.

So Ray got down sighing to himself and waked into one of the school buses, his axe ready to strike as his heart beat began to increase.

The inside of the bus was total carnage, some of the windows had red and black blood smeared on it, the others had chunky bits of flesh that had settled on the base of the mirror.
Most of the seats where ripped, and bloody school bags were littered everywhere. Ray walked to the end of the the bus checking each roll, hoping for the best.

When he was satisfied the back was safe he walked up towards the driver's seat, mistakenly stepping on an eyeball, he gagged as his weight shifted unto the eyeball. The front of the bus was clear and rather a bit less horrific except for the large hole in the windshield, in front of the driver's seat.

The bus came to life immediatly he tried to start it. Beeping all the way as he reversed it to make way for the van.

Upon coming out he was slammed into the side of the bus by an ominous blue wave which rocked all the vehicles to tip slightly.
He heard the cries of hundreds of people running toward him. He stood there trying to figure out what they were shouting as they ran.

"Zombies" an old man with white beards said as a blue laser hit the woman behind him causing her to fall on him and in seconds she began to tear into him like he was nothing.

Rays feet could not match how fast he wanted to go as he kept stumbling. His hands shaking as he tried to start the car, which much to his dismay did not start.

"What's wrong" Brown asked through sleepy eyes "are we at the airport"

"Damn it the battery is dead" Ray said as he slapped the steering wheel. " We need to go now" he shouted as he grabbed ashley and stepped into the horde of running people Saif right behind him holding on to Mr Brown.

"Over there" Ashley said pointing to a large building that said mall.

"No" Ray said ,"there" as he pointed towards the nearest manhole close to them.

Ray and saif grunted as they struggled to open the manhole. But after a few seconds it finally opened the pungent smell of sewer feeling the air, but I guess when your in danger you don't notice smells as Saif went in first followed lastly by Ray who didn't go in completely but rather stood on the ladder staring out the manhole at the pandemonium, the manhole covering him so only his eyes showed.

He watched as people got hit by blue laser and instantly turned on their neighbors, in seconds more than half of the people running where either dead or bitten. The rest remained in the mall trying to catch their breath.
He watched in horror as little silver orbs came along and began to shine blue beams of lights round the building, before flying off. Seconds after the scan, what looked like every infected person out there attacked the mall massacring everyone it, as Ray closed the man hole and sat on the floor. Staring at the darkness from the comfort of the torches from their phones.