electric slide

16 6 0

The little cries of cricket filled the fresh air, as Wilson sat down at the edge of the cliff, staring at the stars Deena's head on his laps, her chocolate brown balayage hair gave off a scent of flowers and vanilla as he braided them.

All was quiet except from the little rustling of leaves and grass with was fairly drowned out by "James Aurthur QUITE MISS HOME" which played subtly from a small pink speaker that sat beside them.

"That I quite miss home
And I miss you telling me
To leave my shoes at the door
'Cause you just swept the floor
And the dirt drives you crazy
Yeah, I quite miss home"

"I didn't know you sing" Deena said as she reached for Wilson's and held it close to her face.

"Well it's a little something I picked up from my mum, ugh she's obsessed with James Aurthur.
She kept saying something about her son becoming a singer" Wilson said as he finished the fifth braid.

"Well we both know he isn't gonna make it as an artist" Deena said as she smirked.

"And why is that" Wilson said, arching his head in a mocking angle.

"Well even though he sings like a bird, I know his heart is somewhere else" Deena said as she stared at the shattered moon dreamily.

"Well your right, believe it or not I just wanna stay in my little hut and hunt, life doesn't get easier right?" he said as he went back to braiding her hair, completely oblivious to the smile she wore on her face.

"You know we have senior prom this week" Deena said as she sat up and looked at Wilson.

"That shindig where y'all all dance, yeah I guess it's not gonna hold " he said as he grinned.

"Well we got a speaker and the prom was ladies choice so...... Will you be my date to the prom" she said as she pushed her long wavy hair off her face exposing her hazel eyes.

"She was indeed an angel to behold. Her skin the perfect shade of brown, her smile intoxicating as wine, and her hair ooh her hair, I have never seen a much more pretty shade of brown and in this odd moonlight it looks like the sun darkened and became strands of hair" Wilson thought as he got lost in a smirk.

"It's ok if you don't want to" Deena said bringing Wilson back to reality as she bowed her head, making her look a little embarrassed.

"No i do.... I do" Wilson rushed to say, it's just I can't dance never went to prom, didn't see the need" he said as he began to cast a gloomy face.

"Come on" she said, dragging him to his feet and restarting the song.
" So I place my hands here" she said as she placed her hands on his shoulders, " then you place your hands on my waist" she said looking up to Wilson, he was a bit taller than her.

Wilson's face flushed a bright red color. Deena just smile and shook her head as she placed his hands on waist, before returning hers to it's initial position.
"Now we just sway" she said as rocked to the song with Wilson.

Seconds of silence passed before she spoke up "this isn't that bad. Ohh and don't worry it's on repeat" she said as the song ended before placing her head on his chest. She could hear his heart beat, she could feel he was scared, and who wouldn't be, the world has gone to shit. This moment was all she had and she was gonna enjoy it.

"Do you think it's gonna be ok" Deena asked her soft voice slightly muffled from holding so tightly to Wilson.

"Well I can't say but how about this" Wilson said apperantly taken over by the swaying and the beat as hozier work song started playing.

"When it ends we will find peace and if we don't find peace it's not the end yet" he said as he placed his head on her head, letting the silence and the pounding of his heart take over his mind.