An Explanation

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So as a lot of you guys have most likely noticed.. the beast inside hasn't been getting updated... No rewrite or progression and I never stated why.

As it goes I probably lost any fan base I had and so no one really reads the message board or anything so I decided to do it here. Basically to be honest I lost motivation for that story, it was going well, really well and a lot of you enjoyed it, more than I thought and the reason I felt I could reach such an audience is due to the passion I had for writing this book.

I had the whole trilogy planned so I can't really use the writers Block excuse I just lost motivation and didn't want to publish half arsed chapters that didn't have any, well pazaz to it if that makes sense.

The future for beast inside isn't looking so bright as I've moved on to another passion within the writing genre. For anyone reading this who still sees me around you will know I've moved onto poetry which is something I've found a real passion for and if any of you are interested you can check it out in my new poetry book on my account.

Moving on from the self plug. I don't know if I'll ever start beast inside again, who knows maybe one day I'll find the spark for writing stories again and continue or re-write the story.

Whatever happens I hope you all are doing well and apologies for anyone who really wanted to see the book through. I hope you understand that I didn't want to ruin the story by writing with no motivation or passion.

Your friend

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