Chapter 28

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The sound of the gunshot rang through Jimin's ears, eyes still blurred by his own tears- but he wasn't sure if he wanted to see what had happened either way...

He faintly felt Taehyung let go of his arms, but he was beginning to go completely numb.


The deep voice echoed in his mind, blinking harshly through his tears, seeming as if the world was in slow motion.

He decided he wanted to see what was happening- needed to see- see Jungkook, make sure he was okay- please be okay...

Shaking his head- as if trying to shake out the ringing in his ears, squeezing his eyes shut and rubbing at them with the back of his hand- he looked back up from his own knees, but didn't have to look far to see the body on the floor.


His heart stopped, dragging himself forward with his numb palms, not registering the other people in the room, vision still blurry and mind still cloudy.

As he got closer, his senses cleared, but he was grabbed again, big strong hands turning his face- "Jungkook?" He gasped, heart jumping in his chest as the love of his life pulled him into his chest, "but you-"

"Appa..." Jimin snapped his head away from Jungkook, hearing his brother's voice, followed by a horrified gasp, "y-you... you FUCKING MONSTER!" He cried, lurching toward the man still shaking like a coward, ripping the gun from his hand and thrusting the barrel into his face.

Jimin's eyes widened in fear, snapping back down to the still limp body on the floor, noticing how Taehyung was sobbing over it- Namjoon.

Jin was still screaming, hurling words that cursed his father to worse places than hell all while still threatening to end his life right then and there.

"Jimin we need to go." Jungkook pulled his attention back toward him, the blonde's mind fogging over again, feeling faint.

Jungkook was crying, he had never felt more hatred toward one person... but that person happened to be the father of the one he loved most. Biological or not- that familial title was the only thing holding the vampire back from ripping out the man's throat.

"Taehyung. Come on." He shook the younger boy slightly as he gripped onto Namjoon's limp hand. Jungkook held the two boys again, just like earlier, before pulling Jimin onto his back and Taehyung into his arms, despite his cries in protest.

He ran out the house before Jimin could even register being off the floor.

The moment they stopped Taehyung collapsed back onto the ground, screaming out, Yoongi running over to hold him close, "Kook..." he mumbled, anxious eyes looking into Jungkook's, begging for some answers.

The younger just broke down into more tears, shaking his head as he sat down and cried into his knees.

Namjoon was gone, he'd saved Jungkook's life once again. Only this time, losing his own in the process.

He didn't thank him enough... he didn't get to say goodbye- none of them did... they wouldn't even get to bury him.

Jimin looked around, noticing that they must have been at the clearing Taehyung had mentioned earlier, "Where are the others...?" He whispered hesitantly, noticing Sehun and Jieun missing from the group.

Yoongi looked down, Chanyeol's eyes meeting Jimin's... they held so much pain... Seulgi's cut had stopped bleeding, but she was unconscious it seemed.

"Guk-Ah... I'm so sorry." He cried again, turning to latch onto the vampire who looked so small, curled in on himself, shaking and crying, feeling almost unable to breathe.

Fangs • Jikook Vampire AU (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now