Chapter 26

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3rd Person POV (Idk why I write this at the top it's been this for so many chapters now so I'll stop writing it unless I decide to change it 😅)

(Play the song at the top when it says to later)

"Morning sunshine~"

Jimin groaned softly, stretching out his limbs as he rolled over, his sleep-dusted eyes peeking open to the most beautiful sight;

His amazing boyfriend smiling down at him. Jungkook couldn't have been awake long either, since his eyes still looked droopy and his hair was still a dishevelled curled mess.

"Hm~ g'morning." The blonde grumbled back, yawning and turning properly to lay an arm over Jungkook's waist, "have I ever told you how beautiful you look while you're sleeping?" The vampire whispered against Jimin's forehead before kissing it and pulling back to see the small boy's blush as it spread across his cheeks.

"I don't think I've ever seen you sleeping... I'm always asleep first and awake last." He pouted in response and Jungkook laughed, "maybe one day you will, but I just naturally have a lot more energy than you remember? So don't feel bad about it." He reassured and stroked Jimin's cheek softly, bringing him foreword to connect their lips.

It was just a quick kiss, but Jimin appreciated it nonetheless.

Just as the younger boy was sitting up, getting ready to climb out of bed, pain shot through his ass and back and he yelped in surprise, "hey, be gentle with yourself, you'll be sore for today at least..." Jungkook scolded gently, placing a hand on Jimin's lower back.

And then it all hit him. And Jimin's face flushed dark crimson.

"Oh my god- I lost my virginity last night..." he breathed, barely audible to a normal set of ears. "Yeah baby, yeah you did... was I really that forgetable?" Jungkook pouted and put a hand over his chest to exaggerate how offended he was, "no! You pabo... I was just still half asleep, of course I remember it all... I can't believe it actually happened though."

Jungkook rolled his eyes with an amused grin, "how would you explain the soreness if it didn't happen huh?" He teased and Jimin glared at him, "shut up, you better look after me today, I've gotta go back home later and my parents will be suspicious if I'm hobbling around cause my ass hurts."

"Of course I'll take care of you beautiful, I wanted to run us a bath?" The brunette suggested, kissing Jimin's shoulder before climbing out of bed, still completely naked of course.

"Yah, put that away." The younger complained, shyly avoiding eye contact with his rosy cheeks, "it's been inside you baby, come on, I'll carry you to the bathroom."


Somehow the pain in Jimin's ass and lower back had faded substantially throughout the day, the bath in the morning had really helped and Jungkook had just been very good at distracting him with his adorable boyfriendly behaviour.

He made Jimin a heart shaped pancake for breakfast, and then a heart shaped sandwich at lunch- watching movies and cuddling all day. He even gave the younger a massage, humming softly the whole time, and Jimin almost fell asleep.

"Can you sing for me again?" Jimin mumbled as he was sleepily curled in Jungkook's lap, it was almost time for Jimin to get home but he didn't wanna leave his boyfriend just let, well ever if it could be that way.

"Why Jagiya... I'm not that good it's embarrassing." The older sighed but Jimin just frowned up at him, "don't say that, your voice is amazing, I loved when you sang for me, and I hated that I couldn't voice how beautiful it was properly afterwards. I wanna hear you sing again Hyung~" he whined and Jungkook gulped.

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