Chapter 14

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Jimin's POV

Me and my friends were all giddily preparing ourselves in my room when Jungkook arrived, "so you're all sure you wanna do this?" He asked and Baekhyun squealed, holding his small suitcase above his head, "OF COURSE! I'm so fucking exciteedddd~" he sang and started skipping around the room.

Hoseok laughed and began joining in, the two sharing their excitement along with Kai who nodded happily. Kyungsoo stayed silent but latched onto his boyfriend's arm, letting Jungkook know that if Kai was going- so was he.

"You ready Jimin-Ah?" Jungkook held my hands and I smiled widely, "Yeah, we're ready."

"No, you're not."

The door to my room had been opened and Jin stood there, I frowned and was about to argue when Jin pulled his own small suitcase into the doorway, "not without me." He smiled softly.

I grinned again and ran over to hug him, "thank you for agreeing to come and meet them Jinnie, I'm sure they'll change your mind about Vampires." I spoke hopefully and Jin nodded.

Jungkook smiled at us both before taking my hand again and leading us all downstairs, "now it's quite a trek so... I hope you brought walking shoes." Jungkook scratched the nape of his neck embarrassedly and the majority of the group groaned.

"I mean, I could run you there one by one but I don't even know if I'm fit enough for that... and you'd freak out." He offered and they shook their heads, "walking it is." I smiled and they all followed behind Jungkook and I as we rounded the house to go into the trees behind.


"I'm tired already... how much farther?" Baekhyun whined and I rolled my eyes at him, "we've been walking for ten minutes. I sprinted faster than I ever had in my life and it still took me 15, so I'd say another 20 minutes or so at this pace. Oh- although we are kind of taking a shortcut, I followed the road, so actually maybe less huh Jungkook?"

He thought for a moment before nodding slightly, "Yeah I'd say maybe 10 more minutes, it's not that far so stop whining." He laughed and Baekhyun pouted, "fine, Hobi-Ah can you carry my bag?"

Hoseok looked at the whining boy with judgemental expression, "tsk, you really think imma carry that for you?" He rolled his eyes before walking on, leaving Baekhyun at the back of the group.

"Yah! Kyungsoo-Ah? Kai? Anyone?" He begged and jogged a little to catch up, "I'll carry it." Jungkook offered and Baekhyun grinned widely, "thank you kind sir." And tossed his suitcase into Jungkook's arms.

"Woah! This is heavy even for me, what the heck did you pack? I don't even know how long you'll be here yet..." Jungkook questioned in shock and Baekhyun shrugged, "let's just say I'm prepared for anything." He winked and we all laughed.

After a while longer of walking, I noticed the road that Yoongi drove me down on my first journey to the house, the same road I sprinted down to leave.

"We're almost there." Jungkook called to the boys that were further at the back, Baekhyun and Kai cheered. Kai was carrying Kyungsoo on his back so he was more tired out than all of us, his boyfriend's excuse was "I didn't want to come anyway and you made me so you can at least carry me there."

Kai couldn't argue and so he stumbled at the back with Baekhyun, Hoseok and Jin having a conversation just in front as Jungkook and I walked hand in hand at the front of the group.

I started to jog a little and Jungkook joined me, the others whining in protest and continuing to walk. We got quite far ahead and I finally saw the huge house through the trees further down the road, "Yah! Hurry up! It's right there!" I squealed and Baekhyun ran to catch up while the others continued walking.

Fangs • Jikook Vampire AU (Discontinued)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant