Chapter 22

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3rd Person POV

The next morning- as usual- Jimin woke up alone in his bed. It always started his day off the wrong way, when all he wanted was to wake up wrapped in Jungkook's big strong arms.

He knew he couldn't complain though since it was way to risky for Jungkook to fall asleep in his house- Jimin's parents do usually knock but there was still too high of a chance they could walk in on the two boys asleep together.

As the small boy stretched and yawned in his bed he was suddenly sent into a coughing fit, realising how bad his throat was hurting. He frowned to himself and massaged his neck, before remembering why he was in pain.

The poor boy sat blushing on his bed for a few moments before trying to speak, "l-a-a..." his voice squeaked out in cracks before he started coughing again. Jimin groaned and flopped back onto the bed, silently scolding himself for being so stubborn and insisting on pleasuring Jungkook to the fullest.

His phone bleeped with a message and he rolled over to grab it, squinting at the screen before a smile broke out on his face.

Kook-ah ❤️

Hey Jagiya, good morning~
Did you sleep well? 💕

He hummed softly in appreciation of his adorable boyfriend- well he tried to hum, but it just sent him coughing again, that's when he realised he was going to need to just stop talking or making any noise for the day.

Good morning Jungkookie, I did thank you, but I was sad when I woke up alone again :( oh and my voice is gone... But I love you! 💕

He felt bad because he knew Jungkook would feel guilty, but it wasn't his fault at all. Jimin climbed out of bed as he was waiting for a reply, going to his closet to pick some clothes for the day. He heard his phone ding again and immediately dropped his clothes, leaping towards it to reply.

Awh I'm sorry baby (--;
Can I come over? I wanna take you out today? And I love you too! 💕

He grinned brightly, not hesitating in his reply;

Don't be sorry pabo it's not your fault, but yes please, I would love that Jagiya ☺️💕

Jimin hopped back up over to his closet, now wanting to try even harder to find the cutest outfit he owned, ending up with this:

(I know it doesn't show the outfit off well but I want him in this- so it's like red dungarees okayy? And obviously he's blonde so

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

(I know it doesn't show the outfit off well but I want him in this- so it's like red dungarees okayy? And obviously he's blonde so... use your imaginations? 😅🙏🏼)

He grinned at himself in the mirror and went to pick up his phone and put it in his pocket. Suddenly, there was a knock on his window. He panicked for a moment before he saw Jungkook sitting on the roof outside and smiling sweetly at the soft boy inside.

Fangs • Jikook Vampire AU (Discontinued)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن