✴Chapter 32✴

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"What do you mean that he's a traitor?" Shi asked still not believing what Terry told him when Shi and the two girls entered Jimin's room and find Terry and Jun silently crying and not moving from their spot.

They didn't see Jimin on the bed and that made Terry's accusations about Chaeun right to Shi's eyes.

"The guards are calling him 'Sir', and he even threaten them that he'll kill them when they don't open the gates coz he has the permission to do it." Terry said and even him can't believe what he's saying. Shi slump on the bed feeling betrayed by the surprise that Chaeun was never in their side.

"I can't believe it, he tricked us." Jun finally able to say. He's been silent for a few minutes before speaking.

"That explains why our first attemp of escaping failed. It's because there's a mole in the group." Shi said when he finally realized why the girls were able to plan and execute an escape plan perfectly but the guys can't, it's because no matter how hard they try, if Chaeun is with them, they can't run away becuase Jungkook will be one step ahead having Chaeun to his side.

All of them fell silent for a while and when Nanan finally stepped in the room she just scream very loud making the three guys to avert their attention to her.

"Quit mourning you so-called strong man." The three guys threw a glare at her because of a sudden insult.

"At least we can plan our escape again and this time there's no mole in the group." Nanan cheered making the others realize the sudden good news they have.

Nanan is right, now they have the real chance on how they can run away now that Chaeun is not in the cellar anymore.

With a final sob and tear coming from Terry's eyes. He force himself to calm down and wipe his tears angrily.

"Let's plan the escape right here, right now." Terry said making Nanan look at him with a surprise amusement on her face. She didn't expect Terry to be like this, she thought that Terry is the least useable member in the cellar, but with his motivated aura and eagerness that was visible to his eyes, Nanan is now confident to tell them the real plan she just thought of, a few minutes ago when they were still at the showers.

"I have an idea." Nanan said and all of them gather at the bed and talking in whisper but time to time they are talking random things really loud so the guards outside of the cellars who's guarding the cellar gate won't suspect them.

"I heard there will be an event two days from now. We'll do the escape while the event is happening." Nanan open her statement and start to tell the others what they should do and how can they do it perfectly and successfully.


"I was surprise on how they recovered so fast about their comrade being a traitor and a spy." Burps said while standing next to Nanan and they are cooking their lunch. Yes, lunch. Since there's a big change in the boy's cellar snd they are not to be kept at their own rooms for the rest of the days and will only have a few hours at night to feed themselves and talk to each other so their brain won't rotten.

The two of them are preparing miso soup while the boys are simply doing some of the parts of the plan in their own rooms.

"They are just showing their manly side by stopping their crying over their jerky friend, but I bet they are all thinking about him and maybe secretly shedding some tears." Nanan ssid while mixing the ingredients together at the big casserole.

"Are you sure about the plan though?" Burps asked.

"You remember they still have another friend, right?" Burps added and that made Nanan stopped on what she's doing to face Burps.

I Will Find You (JiKook ff) | BOOK 1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang