✴Chapter 31✴

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Jimin got awoken by someone who's poking his cheek continuesly and also pinching it. He slowly opened his eyes and saw an unfamiliar girl with a shoulder length hair cut and looking closely at him.

The smaller looked surprised since he does not know who the fvck is infront of him. Maybe one of Jungkook's servant or maybe a female guard. He quickly made a decision by grabing the girl with the collar of her shirt and pull her hard to land a punch to her throat and that made the girl stumble back while desperately gasping for air and holding her neck while also looking surprise.

The punch is not that strong though since Jimin is still weaken by last night's activity and he's also not feeling well.

He spend the night only wearing a pants and roaming around the Kim's mansion and the mansion's backyard being topless and open to cold night breeze. The air conditioner on Jungkook's car didn't help too when they were inside of it. And now, he's sick and have a high temperature because of the freaking fever.

"What the fvck?" The girls asked while being supported by another girl who's laughing at her and her funny gasping.

The three of them averted their eyes when Shi entered holding a basin with water and a clean hand towel.

"Shi." Jimin gain Shi's attention by holding on him so tight and give glare to the two girls on the corner, one is glaring back while the other one is now trying to hold her laugh.

"Don't worry. They are allies." Shi said and soak the towel in the basin, twists it, and began to wipe Jimin's body with it.

"How long I was asleep?" Jimin asked with his rasp voice.

"He needs water, I'll get it." Burps said when she noticed Jimin's voice, and walk out of the room to get a glass of water.

"You're in deep sleep last night after Jungkook brought you here so we didn't bother to wake you up assuming you really need some rest." Shi stated while he continue what he's doing. Jimin just nod remembering what happened to him this past few days he stayed at Jungkook's room and he really need to sleep.

"What time is it?" Jimin asked assuming it's already night because Shi and the two girls are easily roaming in the cellar because the metal doors are opened.

"Eight." Shi said. Jimin got confused for a second.

"Eight in the morning. We have no idea too. But maybe they are changing the time we can go out of our room because all seven of us are now in the same cellar." Shi said being unsure but somehow has a point.

"Seven?" Jimin asked again.

"Yeah. Those two girls, Nanan and Burps, they are captives too. Just like us." Shi said and place the towel on Jimin's forehead to reduce his heat and cool down his temperature.

There was a quick silence between them when Jimin realized that the girl he punched is really innocent. But can you blame him?

"Here's your water." Burps said entering the room holding a cup of water and gave it to Shi keeping distance with Jimin since she saw how Jimin punched Nanan's throat earlier. She's just keeping a safe distance.

"Where are the others?" Jimin asked looking for Chaeun, Jun, and Terry.

"Their taking a bath. We can't leave you here so Nanan, Burps, and I have decided to be with you first." Shi answers him.

"Why didn't you take a bath with them?" Jimin asked.

"I knew you're gonna suspect the girls when you wake up so I'm here to inform you they are safe. You just punched Nanan in her throat, remember?" Shi said now both him and Burps are chuckling because of that.

I Will Find You (JiKook ff) | BOOK 1Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat