Lena Luthor's return

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May 12, 2020

At CatCo

Kara Danvers was busy writing her article about the robbery she just stopped.The last two years James stepped down as CFO, since he wanted to be a photographer again and Cat hired Kara as CEO. The Kryptonian just kept on minding her business, till she got interrupted by a knock.

"Come in." She said softly. There came James and Nia with a really worried expression. "Guys what's wrong?" Kara asked worried. Her friends looked at each other and then to Kara. James sighed and said: "Kar, turn your TV's on."

The Super was totally confused but she grabbed her remote and turned her TV's on. At first she didn't get why but the news reporter just had to mention one name.

'After two years Lena Luthor has returned to National City. Until now nobody knows why she left on the first place, but according to her she came back for her business and she misses her home...'

Kara was in shock. 'First leaving without a word and now returning as if nothing happened.' Thought the Super. James and Nia looked at her, much more worried than before. "Kara?" Asked the young reporter. The blonde looked at them and all they can see is hurt and anger written in her eyes. "Kara, are you okay?" James asked.

"I'm not okay James." She replied softly. Both could clearly hear the pain in her voice and just gave her a hug. "Hey, it's going to be okay. You should take today and tomorrow off...You need it. Nia and I got it covered." James said and Kara just nodded not trusting her voice. Her friends let her go and gave her a sympathetic smile before they left her office.

The Super used her superspeed to finish her article and then got her stuff, then headed out. Kara then got into an empty alley and flew off. While flying back to her new apartment, tears started to stream down her cheeks. 'She left me, she left us and didn't say even a goodbye.' Thought Kara.

At Kara's apartment

Kara landed softly on her balcony. Since she became CEO her loft wasn't a safe place for her anymore since paparazzi's tried to barge into her loft. So she chose to buy a new apartment, but still kept her loft for safe place.

Her new apartment was very modern, but still had that homy feeling and it had even it's own training room for the Super and a secret hidden room with all her suits, monitor's, even her own spaceship and a Kelex from Argo.

Kara super sped to her bedroom and changed into comfy clothes. She then just laid on her bed, hugging her pillow so tight it would really explode soon. She remembered the day she found out Lena left her.


Kara had finally the chance to get into L-Corp without security trying to stop her. She was speed walking to the office, but noticed there was another assistant on the front table. She ignored it and passed her without even caring. All she wanted was to see Lena again and explain properly why she hid her identity. "Excuse me do you have an appointment?" The assistant asked. Kara shook her head 'no'. "Miss you can't go in there without an appointment." The young woman said. Kara looked confused. "But I have unlimited access, so I can go anytime. And if you're asking who I am, then it's Kara Danvers." The Super said nicely and gave her 'super smile' to the the assistant. Quickly the assistant typed on her tablet and nodded a 'yes', meaning she can go. The blonde turned her head and headed to the door.

When she opened the door she wasn't met by Lena, but by none other than Sam Arias. "Sam?!" Kara asked surprised. The brunette looked up from her computer and smiled. "Hey Kara, it's nice to see you." Sam said and gave her friend a hug. "It's nice to see you too Sam. But where's Lena?" The blonde asked. Then she saw Sam with a surprised face that later turned to a frown. "Umm Kar, haven't you heard that Lena left?" The brunette said. Kara was clearly shocked and sad at the same time. "No, I haven't. Do you maybe know where she is. I have to talk to her." Kara said a little to eager. Sam gave her a sad smile. "Sorry Kara, I don't know where she is. All she told me was to take care of L-Corp and then left. I thought she has informed you." Sam said softly and grabbed Kara's shoulder. Tears were starting to build on Kara's eyes. "Thanks Sam, but she hasn't said anything to me...Since we had a fight. We haven't talked for months." The blonde said through tears. Sam hugged her tight and rubbed her back softly. "I'm so sorry Kara. I never thought she would react like that when she found out." The brunette said, also now crying. They cried together for a bit, till Kara broke the hug. "I got to go Sam. There's an emergency." Kara said and gave one last hug to her friend and flew off from the balcony.

And that was the day she knew Lena Luthor, her best friend and her longtime crush has left her.

End of Flashback

Suddenly she heard her phone vibrate, she looked up and saw the message:

'Hey Kara, it's Lena. I wanted to invite you and the Superfriends for dinner at Noonan's. It's at 6.'

To be honest Kara was really pissed. 'Texting me as if she never broke my heart.' Thought Kara. The Super laid on her bed again and didn't reply to the text. She quickly stood up and grabbed a tube of ice cream and devoured it in minutes.

Soon she heard familiar footsteps on the hall and knew who it is. She swung the door open and was met by her sister, Alex. Kara hugged Alex tight and started to sob. "Hey Kar, it's going to be okay. It's going to be okay." The older Danvers said soothingly. Kara grabbed on her for dear life, afraid of letting go. Alex then walked her into the apartment and dropped on the sofa, hugging her younger sister tight. "Hey look, you don't have to go to that dinner. I will make an excuse that you're busy. I know it's really hard for all of us, especially you." Alex said as she also started to cry. The Super sighed and then looked up to her sister. "Thanks Alex. But it's just too much. She left me without even saying goodbye and now coming here and even texting as if nothing ever happened. As if she never tore my heart into two." Kara said though tears and Alex hugged her just tighter. "I'm sorry Kara, but it's going to be okay." Reassured Alex and gave a soft kiss on the forehead to her sister.

Both started to relax and get back to their normal selves and talked about work, food, weapons and other not normal stuff. But Soon Alex had to leave because of the dinner and left Kara alone in her apartment, again.

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