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I knock on Corbyn's bedroom door. He opens it and I go sit down on his bed. He comes and sits next to me.

"What's up man?"
"Corbyn. I.. Uh... Um"
"Dude are you okay?"
"Yeah. I just want to take Beaux on a date."
"You should've just said" he says, laughing his head off. I push him and this makes him push me back.
"I'm being serious."
"Okay. What does she like? Is there any hints that she has given that can give you an idea?"
"I mean no."
"Jesus man. This date ain't gonna happen."
"She has a solar system tattoo on her wrist. She jokes that it shows her inner nerd."
"Well do that then. Do some star gazing or something like that."
"I think I will. Thanks Corbs."
"No problem Jo."

I leave the room and go downstairs and find Zach and Beaux in the living room, arguing over Mario Kart. I stand and listen to Zach accusing Beaux of cheating in the game. This makes Beaux roar with laughter but then go silently annoyed when Zach overtakes her. I watch as Beaux overtakes Zach and wins the game which makes her leap up in joy. Zach sits there looking angrily but still mumbles a congratulations to Beaux. I knock on the door which makes Beaux stop jumping around like a mad woman. "Hey guys. Zach, you know Beaux won fair and square." Zach looks at me the Beaux and then before leaving says, "you're only saying that because you're dating her."

Beaux laughs as he leaves. I walk up to her and kiss her lightly on the lips. When I pull away, she looks disappointed.
"Guess what?"
"I'm going on a date with a hot girl tonight."
"Really? Lucky girl."
"I've you see her, tell her to wear something cute but practical and it has to do with stars."
She looks at me confused but smiles and makes her way upstairs. All is quiet as I go into my bedroom until I hear Beaux shout, "HOPE! JONAH IS TAKING ME ON A DATE! NEED HELP! NOW!" This makes me laugh and I know the night is going to be one of the best nights of my life.

Jonah Marais is the bossWhere stories live. Discover now