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We go in and see 5 guys sitting on the couch. Their backs towards us. I was worried about having to ask for their names, but their names are on their back. I look at Hope who is staring at them. I pinch her and she looks at me. I shrug my shoulders. She rolls her eyes. Hope an I have been friends for ever. I'm the shy one and she's the one who can talk the hind leg off a donkey. She takes a step forwards. "Hello" she says. The guys all turn round. They say hi as well and we sit on the couch opposite them. "I'm Dan-" but Hope interrupts, "we know your names. They're on the back of your T-shirts." All the guys respond with "oh yeah." Freaky. "So you know our names, what are yours?" I look at Hope as if to say I don't want to speak. She looks back at Zach, who asked the question. "I'm Hope and this is my best friends Beaux." I just smile and wave. Daniel leans forward, "I bet you guys are excited working for us, right?" Me and Hope exchange glances and then look back at the boys in confusion. Jonah then says, "you guys didn't know you were working for us?" We shake our heads. "You guys are assistants. You help with interviews, set design, stuff like that. You work with the main people to make us look good." We both nod. Hope clears her throat. "That's cool." Randy enters the room and sits next to us on the couch. He tells the guys to leave to get ready for the interview. He turns back to us.
"How are they? They're your bosses and clients so you have to have their best interests at heart."
I nod.
"I'm their manager. I'll call you or message you if I need you to do something."
We both nod.
"Right now though. We need to get the guys to their interview."
They split me, Hope and the guys up. Hope has Daniel, Corbyn and Jack in her car. That means I'm left with Jonah and Zach. I'm told I have to drive, which I'm fine with. Jonah sits in the passenger seat and Zach sits at the back. He connects his phone to the car speakers and blares music all the way there. Most of the songs played are theirs and both of them sing loudly along. I just  bob my head. All I have to say is that these guys are super talented and are definitely going to go far. We get to the interview a minute before so we all run upstairs to get the guys ready.

Jonah Marais is the bossWhere stories live. Discover now