6 - Jonah's POV

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I've barely slept so I get up to grab something to eat. I go to the fridge and see that Beaux's smoothie is still in the fridge. I push it out of the way and grab some chicken pieces. I grab a can of coke and put it on the side. I hear footsteps coming down the stairs. I turn round. Hope and Beaux come round the corner. They're laughing about something. They look at me and stop dead in their tracks. "Hey." Hope looks at me and raises an eyebrow and Beaux looks down at the floor. "Um, can I speak to Beaux please?" Beaux looks at Hope. Hope looks at her. She looks back at me and leaves.  Beaux comes towards me. She sits on a stool. I grab her smoothie from the fridge and give it to her. She smile and takes a sip. I sit opposite her.
"I want to apologise for my behaviour yesterday. I'm sorry for putting pressure on you and I'm sorry for threatening your job."
"It's fine I guess."
"It wasn't fair on you. I've always been kinda pushy when I want to be."
"You can say that again."
"I'm just curious. Sometimes my curiosity gets the better of me."
She nods and takes another sip of her smoothie. She's not saying much. I watch as she traces the pattern on the cup. Her hair reminds me of chocolate. Her olive skin looks as smooth as silk. She has a small tattoo of the solar system down her wrist. "Can I ask another question?" She stops tracing and looks at me. Her eyes are green. She raises her eyebrow, as if to say well.
"Why do you have a tattoo of the solar system?"
"I don't know. Me and Hope were playing truth or dare with the popular kids and I got dared to get a tattoo so I did. I got a solar system. It shows my inner nerd." She smiles which causes little dimples to appear. She's so cute. Wait. What? I don't like her. She's my employee. I get the thought out of my head and realise that she's looking at me again. She smiles and takes the stuff I got out of the fridge. "I'm gonna steal your snacks. Now you don't owe me. I'll see you later. Oh, I forgive you." She smiles again and leaves. I grab more food from the fridge and go back to my room where I go through my social media and eat snacks.

Jonah Marais is the bossजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें