Chapter 61: A Reckoning

Start from the beginning

Severus raised an eyebrow, "really? You don't seem concerned by this absence Minerva?"

"We have not seen them eating at their table for quite some time, Minerva. Maybe they have a reason for not being there" Filius said pointedly.

"Of course not," she dismissed, "he'll be in for more detention for this latest stunt though."

Filius and Severus exchanged worried looks. How could she possibly be that oblivious!

"You are going down to collect some ingredients from Pemonia after the feast, are you not?" Fillips asked Severus after a time.

"Indeed," the dour man said, "we shall be taking care of Minerva's mess then?"

"Yes, it's gone on too long."

"Good" was all he said, "I'll see you for a drink after curfew."


Harry reluctantly trudged up to Dumbledore's office after dinner. He'd really rather not. But Odment, one of the headmaster's main elves, had approached him as he was leaving the kitchens, a terribly reluctant look on the elf's face. Harry knew it would be better to get the confrontation over with. He was somewhat unwilling to spoil his post-meal haze of contentment.

Afterwards, he wished he hadn't gone.

"I have an appointment," Harry said morosely to the Gargoyle. The Gargoyle rolled it's eyes sympathetically before it patted him on the head (surprisingly gently) and jumped aside. Bemused, Harry went up, but his amusement died at the sight of the open door.

He knocked as he stepped in, but did not sit down. He just kept his face blank and fixed his gaze on a corner of Dumbledore's desk, not meeting anyones eyes.

"Well Met Professors," he said formally.

McGonagall made a 'humph,' noise. Dumbledore considered him for a long moment; the tips of his long fingers pressed together in a steeple under his chin. He said nothing for a long moment, gazing at Harry with a sharp eye. Harry could feel the man's magic swirling, and a small legilimency probe reach towards him.

Biting back panic, Harry tried not to let anything else fill his mind. He didn't want Dumbledore to know he knew occlumency, but he didn't want the man in his head either. He needed the man to see innocuous, harmless surface thoughts.


He felt Hogwart's magic flair around him suddenly as he panicked.

Panicking makes it harder to occlude. Bugger!

He forced his thoughts to his detentions, dinner and the unjust irritation.

Fawkes let out a chirrup and glided across to perch on Harry's shoulder, claiming his attention, just as the legilimency probe brushed against the edges of Harry's mind. The bird was a warm, heavy weight on his shoulder, comforting. The Phoenix's warmth dispelled the chill that had been in Harry's bones since winter had set in.

Fawkes let out a warble and started nibbling at Harry's hair, preening it, much like Hedwig liked to. Harry snorted softly, reaching up a hand to scratch Fawkes chin, as he felt the probe vanish. Dumbledore hadn't gotten hold of anything of use, and Harry knew he had Fawkes and Hogwarts to thank for it. He'd have to put in some more Occlumency practice if he was buckling under pressure.

Thank you, he sent out mentally to Fawkes and the castle.

The castle gave him a mental pat on the back, as Fawkes kept pulling gently at his hair.

"I am very disappointed in you, Harry," Dumbledore said finally, looking at Harry with that old sad look that had once made Harry feel like dirt. But now Harry could feel the old man's irritation, hidden behind forced disappointment.

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