Chapter 54: Mystery

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Haywards Heath, England

"You want me to demonstrate my abilities," Ketster said.

"It's just so we know you're capable of" London replied.

"Fine, but you should probably get back," The Eevee said.

London shrugged and went up the hill to watch Ketsters demonstration. In front of the Eevee was a large rock Moonlake materialised, The Eevee closed his eyes and suddenly when they opened, they were lowing yellow, the rock started to float high up in the air.

"I-Is he using Psychic? I'm pretty sure your eyes are supposed to be blue, not yellow" Moonlake said to the others.

Isabel wrote this on the notepad. London watched amazed at what he was witnessing. Suddenly the rock was electrocuted, within five seconds cracks started appearing in it and suddenly... It exploded sending pieces of minerals all over the place, the three shielded themselves from the debris before looking over at Ketster who was looking at the falling dust.

"Am I done yet?" Ketster asked.

"Not quite" Isabel replied, "In order for us to help you we need to know everything your capable of Ketster"

"Your gonna need a lot more large rocks then," Ketster said.

"... , How many moves do you know?" London asked nervously.

"Lots" Ketster answered.

"Usually a Pokemon is only able to learn five moves, he must know almost or literally all of them, and to add to this weirdness he can apparently combine other moves to create - whatever he just did?" Moonlake said.

Ketster cleared his throat, "Sorry" Moonlake replied.

Moonlake used his powers to materialise a rock which landed in front of Ketster,  the Eevee used Surf, the rock was hit by the water, when the water finished rushing over the rock, the surrounding area was frozen. Moonlake's eyes were wide with surprise. Ketster jumped and used Iron Tail, but his tail was on fire, burning like a fiery blaze. There was an explosion once again and glittering wet pieces of rock descending upon the area.

"Impressive" London said.

"Okay, let's get out of here, there is one more thing we gotta do," Isabel said, putting her notepad away.


Ketster was taken to an underground lab in Holborn. the lab was deep and almost directly under the tube lines. Waiting for them was Kovar and a Sylveon in a white lab coat, also wearing black gloves.

"Hello everyone" Kovar greeted.

"Sir" Isabel replied, she handed him the notes on Ketster to him.

Kovar looked down at the sheets of paper and looked over at Ketster who looked very bored, "How old is he?"

"I have no idea" London replied.

"20" Ketster answered.

Everyone froze, silent for about 10 seconds, "You don't look like it" Moonlake replied.

"I get that" Ketster replied, "Anyway what is this place and why am I here"

"This is a research laboratory" Kovar replied, looking over to the Sylveon, "This place is headed by my daughter here"

"That's your daughter?" The three asked.

Kovar nodded, "My oldest, this is Rose"

"Hello everyone," She said.

Exerymon waved except for Ketste who just stared at her before breaking his gaze, "Follow me, please"

London, Isabel, Moonlake and Ketster were lead to a room. Rose usher Ketster into a room next door, there was a blast-resistant glass window in the wall so they could see what was going on.

"What are you going to do Rose?" Moonlake asked.

"Just taking some blood" Rose replied with a carefree smile.

"My blood is not very thick ya know" Ketster replied.

Rose tilted her head to one side, "There are plenty of Pokemon with different types of blood, I've dealt with them all, I know what I'm doing"

"Okay then" Ketster replied.

After they were finished drawing some of his blood, they examined the results while letting Ketster eat up some food.

"How the... Th-This Eevee, you said you found him at a destroyed Surren base?" Rose asked.


"His lifeblood is rather odd yet bursting of colour, I mean he has blood form most types of Pokemon, Poison, Dark, Rock, Ground, Steel, Water, Fire, Electric, Grass, Fairy - He must even have blood from Eevee evolutions we have yet to discover! Its, honestly, beautiful" Rose said.

"The Americans and the Spanish tried a similar experiment in 1972, it almost worked actually. I guess Paine liked the idea and decided to go for it in a modern-day fashion" Kovar replied.

"Makes sense. A super-soldier, capable of anything, can use never before seen moves. I bet he's more intelligent than us too" London said.

"London" Kovar called, "I found a flat in Marylebone for him to stay in. Visit him when you can to see how he's doing"

"Okay" London replied.

"Same with you two" The Umbreon added looking at Moonlake and Isabel.

"I have a board meeting soon so I'll be leaving now," Kovar said.

Kovar got his sunglasses and left, "See ya dad" Rose shouted.

Kovar put his paw up as he went up the steps to the surface. Rose left and went back to her office, the three got Ketster and took him to his new home.

- - - -

5 hours later, Marylebone, London

"There you go! All set" London said as he finished cleaning the furniture

"What do you think?" Moonlake asked, setting the duster on the wall.

"It's fine I guess" Ketster replied, laying on the couch.

"Great, we have to go now, call us if you need anything" Isabel replied, the Leafeon said getting her bag.

"Oh one more thing, stay here please, we don't need you getting snatched up by people who want ya," Moonlake said.

"Okay," He replied.

"Well that's enough of us, have a good night," London said as the three left the flat.

Ketster sighed and got up to look out the window, occasionally there would be a car that passed by but nothing special. He looked up at the cloudy sky staring at it for a moment before sitting down to watch television, he was hoping to be able to go outside and explore the city but he knew better for his own safety to stay in Marylebone, however...

"Pfft get snatched up... I can handle myself" Ketster said to himself.

Agent London Flareon Volume 2. 🇬🇧🇯🇵🇸🇪🇫🇷🇮🇪Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant