Chapter 41: Running From Defeat

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The next week, Luke's suspension was over and he was allowed to return to the front lines. The British and French navies won Alaska back for the Playfeld Americans and the Germans and Japanese held off any ships in The Gulf of Mexico, the Russians bombed Phoenix and Bakersfield, and the Mexicans got in the action too, attacking the Surren, who were raising tariffs on import Mexican goods.

Tristan looked out the window, he was annoyed with the defeat of one of his best captain's in the army, and was losing territory left and right because of the Mexicans and Russians constantly invading and bombing their bunkers and bases. The attacks continued for weeks, finally...

"Sir! They're here!" An Inteleon shouted.

Tristan turned around, "What do you mean?"

"They're here in the city sir!" The Inteleon shouted.

Paine gulped nervously, "What do we do sir?"

"Fight em off!" Tristan shouts, he pulls a Glock from his closet and holsters it before running out of his office.

Meanwhile, outside helicopters from the Playfeld millitary were wreaking havoc on the Surren soldiers down below, the city guard outside the city was overwhelmed by the Russian, Mexican, Canadian and French troops on the ground and the American and British helicopter's flew around shooting groups of soldiers and shooting missiles missiles at tanks and other vehicles. In the lobby of the Surren millitary headquarters, Luke arrived, the soldiers drew their guns but we're immediately shot up by the Lucario, they dropped to the floor quicker then they could blink. One soldiers tried to engage him with a knife, Luke grabbed his arm, twisted it and flung him into the glass outside the lobby. Another attempted to shoot at him, Luke grabbed the knife on the floor and tossed it at the Pokémon's throat, two more came down the lift. Luke shot them up and connected his earpiece.

"Delta 7, your clear to move in and secure the building" Luke said over the earpiece.

A few seconds later, Delevio along with a small platoon entered the building. Delevio looked up at him and gave him a smile before going up the steps with half the team, the other half took the lifts upstairs, Luke gave a slight smile back and when they were gone, Luke went to the security monitor at the front desk to see where Paine was going.

Meanwhile, the Inteleon who alerted Paine was leading Paine to his personal lift when he heard gunshots.

"Sir, are you sure you'll be safe?" He asked.

Paine nodded and put on a smile, he drew his Glock and shot him in the chest, the poor Inteleon coughed up blood before looking up at Paine.

"Why?" He wheezed.

"Because you've done your service" Paine said with a smile before shooting him one more time.

He pushed the BS7 button on the lift and the doors closed. Luke saw what he did to the Inteleon and was disgusted.

"Careless Bastard" He snarled, "Isabel"

"Yeah!" Isabel shouted, just before shooting a Surren soldier with a rocket launcher.

"Can you access the buildings blueprints?" Luke asked as he reloaded his gun.

Isabel took cover behind a bus, the Leafeon panting from exhaustion, Rico came over to protect her, "Give me a sec!"

Luke waited restlessly, after 3 minutes he got a response from the Leafeon, "Okay, there are 10 sublevels below the building, Levels 3 to 6 are used for development while the 8 through ten are used for gatherings and meetings"

"What about level 7?" Luke asked.

"Hang on... It appears to be some sort of escape room, there is a black Ferrari 488 parked in sublevel 7" Isabel said, Rico shot a soldier aiming at Isabel from behind a water fountain.

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