Chapter 23: Gem Story (Part 1)

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A week later after the battle of Chicago, Moonlake started having more dreams regarding the temple he saw in his dream not long ago, the dreams began getting more and more complex, lucid, real, chilling, mysterious. He knew it was somehow calling to him so this is what the Eevee did...

"You booked a flight to Japan!?" Isabel shouted.

"Yeah Issy, these dreams they are really bothering me" Moonlake replied, holding a suitcase with his clothes and other things.

"Moonlake! Why can't you just take an MI6 jet?" Isabel asked.

"Because the I would prefer not to have attention on me, it makes me uncomfortable" Moonlake replied.

Isabel sighed, "Why are you going to Japan?"

Moonlake looked down at the floor, "Lately... I've been having dreams, about this temple... I know it's somewhere in Japan and you're gonna wanna call me crazy, but I think it's calling to me... Like it wants me to come to it"

"Does this have to do with your necklace?" Isabel asked.

Moonlake nodded his head, "Yeah"

Isabel sighed, Moonlake had been complaining about strange dreams. He just hoped whatever it was would help stop the constant complaining of mysterious dreams. She figured he'd be alright on his own thanks to his training so she decided it would be okay.

"Alright... Just stay safe"

Moonlake gave her a hug, "Thank You"

"See you soon" Isabel said, rubbing his head.

"See you soon Issy" Moonlake said, waving to the Leafeon. Immediately when he turned to call a cab, Omar was standing in front of him in his school uniform, wearing skull earrings with small red gems for eyes, arms crossed and very irritated with Moonlake.

"Where are you going?" Omar asked.

Moonlake did not want to tell him about the dreams he'd be having so he lied, "I'm going to Japan... To visit family, not to run from you"

"Are you sure you'll come back?" Omar asked.

"Yes O, I'll be back" Moonlake replied rolling his eyes.

"That's a relief" Omar replied in a chill manner, Moonlake felt relieved, but he didn't show it with his face, however... "... Porque voy contigo (Because I'm coming with you)" He replied, with a sarcastic smile. Moonlake started felt his heart drop in defeat.

"O-Omar, you have to go to school, I already called in saying I wasn't gonna be here until the end of the school week" Moonlake replied, trying to sway the other Eevee to go to school.

"Nice try Moonlake, you can't fool me anymore" Omar replied with a confident smile.

"Uh huh" Moonlake grumbled.

Then things got worse for him...

"Where ya going?" Melody asked, the Eevee holding her purse, wearing two amethyst earrings, and a matching necklace.

"Uh just on a trip to see family in Tokyo" Moonlake replied nervously.

"Oh cool" Melody replied.

"Thank Arceus she didn't figure me out" Moonlake said, sighing in relief.

"Hey Moonlake, guess what?" Melody said.

"Yeah?" Moonlake replied, the Eevee calmer.

She went up to him and gave him a kiss on the lip, Omar's eye twitched angrily, when she pulled away Moonlake had a goofy lovestricken look on his face, "You're a terrible liar" Melody whispered in his ear.

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