Chapter 30

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The above pictures are of Laura and Diego. Just so you know, I don't actually imagine Ryan Gosling as Diego. But the above looks kinda reminded me of Diego. You can imagine them as anyone you want.


  Laura walks towards the dressing table while drying her hair with a towel. Only one and half hour and the guests would start to arrive. She can't believe that she has agreed to join today playing as a host when she definetly hates being in crowds and socializing with strangers.

  'Dad! You can't just throw a party like this without telling me! What were you thinking? I'm going to make a complete fool out of myself in front of those people.' Laura said in an exasperated tone.

  'If I had told you earlier then you would've said no. But it's time that you meet everyone and it's not like you'd have to do anyting. Just meet the people and talk.' Marcus tried to o with his daughter.

  'And what has mom said about your plan?'

  Some shuffling could be heard over the phone and then a new voice fiiled Laura's car.

  'Laura honey! How are you doing?' Karen asked in her signature British accent.

  Laura groaned. 'You're in on this as well aren't you? It's so obvious in your voice.'

  Karen nervously chuckled. 'It won't be bad dear trust me. Just exchanging some pleasentaries. It would be good for you.'

  'I know it would be. But there's something called mental preparation, you know?'

  Marcus and Karen both laughed a bit at their daughter's tone.

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