" its risky IRA, you need to slow down, we Need to put him in a condition where he can be able to fly such a distance".

"Doc really, risky for me or dad". I really want to be sure.
" For you IRA, we will send in some nurses to fly with him so if there's any emergency which we pray won't be, they can assist, IRA its just you now, you Need to slow down your pace so you won't crash'.

"I'm good doc, this is really what I want don't stop me". I beg laying on the bed to think of my next action.

Doctor Johnson didn't say another word, he just nod affirming to what I've said, he request for miss Sharkey to come out a bit so they can talk, she assured me all will be well, before trailing behind him, I repeat her exact words as I wet the pillow.

There, my test result lay on the table, with some of the doctor's file and a red pen beside.
    I guess he is coming back soon to get it, I turn the paper back wards, and I paint the back with words for miss Sharkey

  Content of the letter to miss Sharkey.

Miss Sharkey.
     I know how sad you would be reading this, but I don't want you to, I'll do just fine all by myself, I promise to fly as often as possible to see dad, I love to stay but I can't cope here, I need some space, besides, Dad won't be so happy to see me in this state, I did wrong for opening my legs to Cole, I did wrong for not being smart and sensitive enough to see the other side of Cole, to figure out he actually does drugs, I love the fact he doesn't know he has a head in my belly and please it should stay that way.
So take care of Dad, like you've always done, I know how capable you are, I know you can assist me too but I just want to be far from the ones I know. As soon as I land in any country I'll contact you with my new line, so we can be in touch but never let it get to anyone.
I'm really sorry for the change in plans, I hope you bear with me on that, I change my mind about transferring Dad cause it would be easy for the paparazzi to find out and spread the news about our whereabout which you know I'm avoiding. Don't hurt yourself I'll be fine, this is the best idea I can think of, and its for our own good.

I place the letter back into the folder it was and miss Sharkey walk in with doctor Johnson.
"How are you feeling now, Ira?". Doctor Johnson ask smiling at me.
" I'm better now". I answer surprised at his change in expression.
"That's alright". That was all he said then pat me on the shoulders, turning on his heels to leave.

" Doc!!". I call out stopping him from reaching the door. He turn around and bid me to speak up.

"Please, I need a favor, I want to see dad, don't deny me this opportunity". I plead as more tears stream down my  cheeks.

" Only if you promise not to cry in there, we believe he's still here but just far, don't cause commotion please ". He say as he reach for my hand. I mouth a thank you and he helps pull  me up gently.

The police officers leave the door, parting the way for me to pass, I stare at the door for a few crying more, I breathe in and out harshly before twisting the door knob, I made a promise already not to cry, but does promises really work this days, take for instance, dad, he hasn't fulfilled his part of the promise, to hell with the  promise I made to doctor Johnson, promises aren't real it's just like every other word.

In a pace of about one foot, zero mile,  gradually make my way, I clutch onto the rectangular iron waged bed to prevent stumbling, the liquid substance within me makes its way out as it hit the iron wage harshly splashing a little wetness to the long unconscious body, I caress his cheek bone still fighting back more liquid from my eyes from falling.

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