Luke out Below Part 1

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Hailey's POV...

Now remember, campers, both occupants of the vessel must row as one. Or you won't end up going anywhere. ¨ Emma says

I'm no expert, but I think the reason we're not going anywhere is because we're not in the water. Our only chance of drowning is if that sprinkler head goes off. ¨ I say

Yeah, where's the danger? If we capsize here, the worst thing that can happen would be grass stains. ¨ Griff says

Hey if we capsize ill capsize with my two favorite people in the world . Griff and Zuri¨ I say

Grass stains on the wrong garment can be tragic.  and that's mean Hailey ¨ Emma says

Now I know I'm number four tops¨ Ravi says

Now, please pay attention. After all, it is safety week. ¨ Ravi continues

 Right. Do you think I'd be wearing this life preserver if I didn't have to? No one looks good in orange. ¨ Emma says

Except you.

Hey over here ¨"I say

You look gorgeous babe like always¨ Griff says

Aw, thanks. I was fishing. ¨ Emma says

Thanks Griff I was just being petty to ravi but thanks babe love you¨ I say

love you too¨ Griff says

It is Emma's and my responsibility to make sure you all get back home in ship shape. Get it? I used a boat reference... While in a boat. ¨ Ravi says

Please stop.¨ Griff and I say in unison

 Now, imagine you are out on the lake, and a storm suddenly strikes. Whoosh! Blam! Emma, a little help? ¨ Ravi says

Fine. Whoosh! (Wind whooshing) Wow, I'm really good at this!¨ Emma says

 (Helicopter hovering) (Chuckling) 

Hey, guys! ¨ luke says

Hey, Luke. ¨ Zuri says

Hey, Luke.¨"Ravi and Emma say


 You know the lake is over there, right? nd I'm great thanks¨ Luke says

It's so good to see you, Luke. ¨ I say

It's great seeing you guys, too. I got a week off from summer school, so Mom and Dad said I could come to Camp Kikiwaka. ¨ Luke syas

It was nice of them to let you take the helicopter. ¨ Zuri says

Yeah... "Let me." Luke says

Luke, I would like you to meet one of my campers,  and Hailey's BOyfriend Griff. 

Hey, man, that was so cool, dropping in on that ladder. " Griff says

Thanks. I once tried doing that from our private jet. I'm still picking bugs and part of a bird out of my teeth. and if you hurt my sister I will end you got it?""Luke says

Got it sir." Griff says

 He was coughing up feathers for a week. ¨Zuri and I say in unison

Yeah. So, what's up first? Zip-lining, bungee jumping, water skiing? " Luke says

Actually, next up on our agenda, we are going to review the safe way to open a safety manual. See, no paper cuts. " Ravi says

Look, Lou put us in charge of safety week, and I don't wanna disappoint her. She always gives me those sad cow eyes. She keeps them in a jar. ¨ Emma says

Whoa! That's weird. She should keep them in a bag. And, Emma, you're starting to sound just like Ravi, except your voice is deeper. ¨ Luke says

Yeah she should" I say

(Gasps) How dare you... (In deep voice) How dare you?" Ravi says

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