Cabin vs. cabin, Dreams come true, We didnt start the fire, The great escape

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Last 4 episodes of season 2 lets do this thang. 

Cabin VS. Cabin

Hailey's POV...

Congratulations Woodchucks, Grizzlies, and Weasels! You've made it to the finals of our annual Cabin of the Year competition!"Gladys says

 [All cheering] 

You know who's winning at life? Me! Turns out I'm not dying alone! "She continues

Finally caught one of those stray cats? "I ask slyly

No, I actually caught myself a man! And before you ask, no, he's not a pizza guy I have handcuffed to my drainpipe."Gladys says

 So he's duct-taped, then?"Griff says hugging me

 The first event is the tug of war over the potato pool. Grizzlies and Weasels, you're up. Winner plays Woodchucks. Ready, set, tug!"Gladys says

 Whoa! "Jorge says

[Children laughing] 

Huh. Needs more butter. "He continues

Grizzlies lose. "Gladys starts 

Woodchucks, you're next. And hurry up! Gotta get this over with, so I can serve these potatoes at lunch." She continues

Hey, Weasels. Still crying tater-tears over losing the tug of war to us Woodchucks? "I say

I can't believe Crystal fell for the old, "Your dad lost his job "and has to pull you out of camp" trick. "Emma says

Cheaters! "hazel says 

You know what they say, "All's fair in love and tug of war."  Lou says

You guys should be ashamed. Poor Lydia still has mashed potatoes in her ears!"Hazel says

 What? I can't hear what you're saying! But I hate you and Hi Hailey good to see you"Lydia says

[In deep voice] Hey, everybody, it's me, the Grizzly Cabin mascot, Beary! [In normal voice] Guys, it's just me, Jorge! "Jorge says

No kidding. BTW, that costume does not look anything like a grizzly bear. "Zander says

Who cares? It came with a top hat. I can be classy while I'm shaking my chassis. [In deep voice] Hey, Gladys, how many bonus points does this move get us? [Scatting]"Jorge asks

 I'll give you five points... To stop! Okay, it's time for the second event. Are you ready to play The Friendship Game? [All cheering] Now, I've already asked our contestants questions about each other.......

Grizzlies win! : Gladys says

[Grizzlies cheering]

 Yes! In your face! "Griff says

Cha-ching! Cha-ching! "Jorge says

What are you, a cash register? "Lou asks

Got him."I say high fiving lou

Lou, I'm really sorry I lost us that game,but we can still win the soapbox derby event. "Emma says

How? Ravi will make some super-duper science mobile, and nerd his way to the finish line. "I say annoyed that the boys won

Don't worry, we'll think of something. Well, maybe you could use your personal connections to help us win the race."Lou says to me and emma

 I called Vin Diesel to see if he could drive our car, but he's shooting a movie in Rome which is unfortunate because i wanted to be apart of the movie too any trip to Rome is worth it ."I say

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