Mud fight part 1

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Hailey's POV...

So, Emma, tonight's our fiftieth date. " Xander says

and our 13th date" Griff says

And to celebrate, were taking you to the old lighthouse!" Xander syas

 Gasps ) You mean that five-star seafood restaurant where every oyster comes with a pearl necklace?" Emma asks

 No, it's an actual old lighthouse. It's where my parents went on their fiftieth date. That night my dad realized my mom was the one, and my mom realized my dad was good enough." He says 

How romantic... For one of them. " I say

Hey, Lou. How'd your date go? " Emma asks

It stunk. Even worse than this mole. " Lou says

Oh, you misread the menu. That's just mole. " I say hugging griff

In that case, it smells pretty good. " she says

What was so bad about this guy?" Griff asks

 He was a wimp, like all the guys now. What happened to the manly men of olden times?" Lou asks

 I think they're all dead." Emma says

 Hey, who says modern men aren't manly? " Xander asks

Yeah, there're plenty of tough guys left. Like my man. " Emma says

and mine love ya griff" I say kissing his cheek and blushing slightly

Thanks, sweetie. Can you pass me my hand cream? Even tough guys need to moisturize." Xander says

aww thanks beautiful love ya too." Griff says kissing my cheek


( Chuckles ) Man, this place is great. " I say

I knew it'd be perfect for our fiftieth date. " Xander says

and out thirteenth" Griff says

It's so romantic. " Emma says

The sky, the ocean... " I say

The Lou! Thanks again for letting me tag along. Since I'm, you know... Single. " Lou says

Let's light this bad boy up. " Griff says

It doesn't look like it works. " I say sadly

Too bad. I've been working on my shadow bunnies for years." Xander says 

Isn't that just when you hold two fingers up?" I ask

 Well, yeah, but you gotta wiggle 'em. " Xander says

Hey, guys, check it out. 

This must be the old lighthouse keeper's journal. " emma says

Oh. Oh. Well, hello, good looking! Mama likey. " lou says

That must be the lighthouse keeper.  And his little brother wow he's fine" I say

Oh, he's a keeper all right. " Lou says

Hey, calm down, you are drooling on the picture." I say

Dream thing

Oh. "April 17, 1916. 'Tis freezing today, but I am shielded from the biting wind by the embrace of my lovely wife..." There she is, the light of my life. Next to the light in my life. Oh, Tucker, you are the manliest of men. And that includes Larry the logger, who's had a full beard since he was eight. Thank you, Lou. And your beauty has inspired me to write no less than five classic sea chanteys. ( Sighs ) How I love to watch you hoisting the blubber that you cut from the whale you harpooned with your own two rugged hands. Ooh, callousy. I feel another chantey coming on!

 end of flashback thing

bet this Tucker was a real man's man. 

And his brother too

And he is rockin' that peacoat. 

Looks like he came right off a box of fish sticks. 

If he were alive today, I bet we'd be soul mates. 

Ugh, gross! He'd be, like, 120. 

That's okay. I like mature men. Too bad I'll never find my real-life Tucker. 

Hey, I'm Bronson. " Bronson said

Found him! Dibs." Lou says looking at emma

Hey the names Austin nice to meet ya" A really and i mean really cute boy around my age said to me 

Hi names Hailey ross" I say 

My name is griff jones hailey's BOYFRIEND nice to meet you" Griff says slightly annoyed

 pic of austin above:)

hey " Austin said even more annoyed

The 5th ross kid   GRIFF JONES X OCWhere stories live. Discover now