Tree house of terror part 1

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Hey im back sorry for not updating and all i was on vacation for two weeks.Anyways if you love the story dont forget to vote Byee. and if you want continuous updates on when i update my story go ahead and follow me. if you want me to put any phrases you want me to make hailey say then go ahead and comment. Love u guys(no homo duh) :)<3

Hailey's Pov...

Yes! I scored a goal! "  Ravi says

Yeah, for the other team!"  Xander says

 Ba-boosh! We win! Remind me, Emma, how many competitions have we beat the boys in this week? "  Lou says

Let's see. There was canoe racing, archery, tetherball. " Emma says

Okay, okay, you don't have to rub it in. Seriously, how low can you go?" Xander says

 Very low. That's why we beat you at limbo, too. Okay, up top. " Lou says 

We kicked your butts! 'Cause you know what they say, girls rock, and boys... Knock. "  emma says

Didn't think that through, did ya?"  I ask

 There wasn't time. I tried my best. " Emma says

Okay, we want a rematch.  " Xander says

No, we do not. " Ravi says

Come on Ravi, we can't keep losing to the girls!"  Xander

 Trust me, you get used to it. Fine. Let me stretch my wrists. "  Ravi says

Are you guys done?  " Griff asks walking up to me and kissing my cheek

And why is Ravi Vogue -ing? " Zuri asks

Actually, we're still playing. "  Ravi says

But you guys have The Spot. We want to hang out here! " Zuri and i say in unison

Oh, drat, I was so looking forward to foosing the ball."  ravi says

 That's Ravi-speak for "I'm tired of getting whooped by the women."I say

 I thought they'd never leave.  " Griff says wrapping his arms around my waist

They're so annoying." tiffany says

 Hey, you wanna hear my new scream? ( Screams ) "  Jorge says

Why is he here? "  Zuri asks

Because every time we ditch him, he finds us. "  Tiffany and i say in unison

All right, dweebs. Beat it! This is Weasel turf!"  lydia says

 ( Scoffs ) Says who? "  Zuri asks

Me. I just said it. Now scram, before I sic Crystal on you. ( Growls )" Lydia says

 We're not scared of you. Right, guys? And, they're gone. So, aren't bloodstains so hard to get out? Good talk." Zuri says and runs away

Lydia are we still up for pranking Hazel later?"  I ask

Yup now you better run and find your friends and boyfriend before crystal does" Lydia says 

Yup bye" I say

see ya" Lydia says

Timeskip brought to you by Target 

Hailey's POV again.

Ugh, I hate the Weasels. " Griff ay

You know im friends with the weasels right." I ask

Now we have nowhere to hang out. " Zuri says

We could play in my imaginary igloo. It's air-conditioned. "  Jorge says

Seriously, who invited him?  " Zuri and i ask in unison

Guys, look! That little house blew right into that tree!" Tiffany says

 Okay, I'm from New York City, and even I know that's a treehouse.  " I say

Oh! My mom never lets me play outside. Or play. " Tiffany says

Maybe we can fix it up and make this our chill zone! " Griff asks

That is literally the name of my igloo."  Jorge says

Time skip...

Hailey's POV...

Guys, once we fix this place up, it's going to be an awesome hangout!  " I say

I wonder if we could fit in a hot tub. Gotta get my soak on! "  Zuri says

Okay, I took out this broken board."  Jorge says

That wasn't broken when you started. "  Griff says hugging me

So, what should we do next? "  i ask

I don't know. The only thing I've built is a three-dimensional model of DNA. I won an award. Not bragging though. " Tiffany says

You can't brag to people who don't care.  " Zuri and i say in Unison

So, none of us have any building experience? " Griff asks

Don't worry, ladies and griffI know what I'm doing.  " Jorge says

( Both grunt ) That's right. Just rest your pretty little heads while I take care of everything. " Jorge says

You little..." I start

 beautiful please calm down lets watch jorge tear this place apart and then we laugh at him later okay please" Griff asks

Okay i guess love you griff" i say

love you too beautiful." Griff says kissing me gently but with passion

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