Queen of screams Part 3

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Hailey POV...

It says... "Made in China." What do you think that means? ¨ Zuri says

That you're not going to be much help solving these riddles. ¨ I say

Hey, there's something written on the scroll. (Speaking gibberish) ¨ Lou says

The writing is backwards. Look in the mirror! "Until I am measured, I am not known. Yet how you miss me when I have flown." ¨ Jorge says

Oh, the answer is time. So our next clue must be in that clock on the wall. And now it's time to go home.¨ Tiffany says

 No! The clock is a trap, too!¨ Jorge says

 Look! The clue is in the dart! ¨ Griff says

Wow, all these traps are very elaborate. ¨ I say

I know. When does this woman find time to write?¨ Zuri says


Hailey's POV...

(Beeping) Howdy-do, victims. ¨ Ms. Queen says

Uh, you might want to zoom out a bit, Ms. Queen. ¨ I say

Yeah, and grab a tissue. You got some bats in the cave.¨ Zuri says

 There! Not bad so far, but the puzzles are going to get harder. And your lives are going to get shorter. Now, what do you think of this? ¨ Ms. Queen says

(Chuckling) Uh... I think you're fooling yourself if you think you can pass for 22. ¨ Griff says

It also says she's great with kids. That thing is full of lies. ¨ Lou says

Oh, sorry! Wrong button. (Clears throat) What I meant was, it seems your camp friends have come looking for you. ¨ Ms. Queen says

 Look! ¨ Tiffany says

They came to rescue us! ¨ Griff and I say in unison

Too bad they'll never find you! (Laughing)¨ Ms, Queen says

(Shouting) Help!

 They can't hear us. ¨ Hailey says

Maybe if we bang on something, they'll feel the vibrations!¨ Griff says

 Great idea, Lou! The two hardest things in here are the anchor and Jorge's head. I'll start smashing them together. ¨ Tiffany says

Wouldn't banging on the ceiling with the cane work, too?¨ Jorge says

 Sure. It just wouldn't be as much fun.¨ Tiffany and I say in unison


 (All screaming)

What happened to them? ¨ Griff asks

(All screaming)

 Okay, now we are done falling for her tricks.¨ Ravi says

 Emma, you are not going to find a clue in the mirror! ¨ I say 

I know.  ¨ Emma replies

Guys, you said there were clues in the book titles! ¨ Griff says

What are some other Stephanie Queen books? ¨ Xander asks

Let's see, there's Kissed by a Chainsaw, Skeletons Never Snitch...¨ Jorge says 

There's a skeleton over there! Maybe there's a clue in here! ¨ Griff and i say in unison

I hope so, or pretty soon we're all gonna look like that. " Zuri says

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