tree house of terror part 2

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Hailey's POV...

Okay, maybe one of these kids can help us build our treehouse." Griff asks 

That kid has pretty good technique. Oh, never mind, he's a glue-eater. " Zuri says

Hey, guys.  " LYdia says

( Screaming ) AKA JOrge

Before you do anything crazy, keep in mind that there are a lot of witnesses out here! " Tiffany says

Oh, come on! Look, I just want to talk to you. I know we haven't always gotten along. Except hailey and i we get along pretty well" Lyida

You once buried me up to my neck in an anthill. " Griff says

Lydia!" I say

So I goof a little hard sometimes. To make it up to you, I want to help you fix your treehouse. " She says

Did you follow us into the woods? " Zuri asks

Your creepy level just went up to 10. " Tiffany says

I can help you. My dad's a contractor, so I'm good at building things. And overcharging people. " Lydia says

Aint that the truth." I say

Okay, but if we choose to do this, you cannot tell the other Weasels. " Griff says

That's not a problem. They're not great conversationalists. " Lydia says

its true they almost never speak" I say

I don't know. Can we trust her?" Griff asks

 We'd be building with the enemy. " Griff says

But we would get our treehouse, even if Lydia is evil incarnate. " Zuri says

Hey thats my friend your talking about" I say

 Sorry. Okay, you have yourself a deal! " Zuri says

Great! And by the way, I could hear everything you just said about me. " Lydia says

Oh, uh... We meant another Lydia. " Zuri say

Yeah, her!" Griff says

 Hey, meanie! On your way to an evil convention?" Tiffany asks

 See? She is the worst. " Griff says


Lydia was right. These slats will work great for the treehouse! " I say

I told Lou that cheese would go straight to my butt!" Emma says

(holds laughter)

Grab that last nail. " Griff says

Wow, that was some heavy pudding. " Xander says

Yes, usually the food just tastes like rocks. " Ravi says

Quick, grab the bolts!" Zuri says

 If my mom saw me doing this, it would kill her. Take a picture. " Tiffany says

*takes picture*there kill her for me okay?" I ask

Go, go, go!" Griff says


Hailey's POV

Uh-uh-uh, that nail is crooked. " Lydia says reading a magazine

Sorry. " Jorge says

You know, Lydia, you can help out a little, too. " I say

I am helping. I'm telling you what you're doing wrong. And hailey you can stop if you want i wont force you to work if you dont want to." Lydia says

Sweet see ya losers sorry griff love you but i want to sit down if i work any longer my hands are gonna be full of metal *sits next to lydia" I say

 Hey, Lydia, how about something to drink? " Tiffany asks

Sure. Ah. That was refreshing. " Lydia says

DANNG woman have you no shame?" I ask

Guys, I think we're done! " Griff says

Now this treehouse is our tree home. " Zuri says

Oh, that's so cute. You guys actually think this place is yours? ( Whistles ) This is Weasel property now! " Lydia says

TWIST" I yell

Wait a minute, you guys played us? " Griff asks

Like a violin. " Lydia says

How dare you besmirch such a beautiful instrument! " Tiffay says

Its not beautiful the way you play it sorry tiff." I say

Wait, why didn't you just take the treehouse when you first saw it? " Zuri asks

Because we needed you for manual labor. My girls were working on our Weasel of the Month calendar. Crystal is July. Now start walking, or start falling! " Lydia says

We're not going anywhere! Right, guys? Gone again! " Zuri says running down the ladder

I need better friends" I say leaving

timeskipp again...

Hailey's pov...

Okay, I am tired of the Weasels always pushing us around. " GRiff says

We have to take a stand, so they know we're not going to take it anymore! " Zuri says

Great idea! Let's tattle on them. " Tiffany says

No, only babies tattle on people. " I say

We are going to do the mature thing, and use a stink bomb. " Zuri says

I wouldnt do that zuri" I say

Now all we have to do is sit and wait. " Griff says

( All coughing ) Nice try. ( Chuckles ) Not! Now, if you'll excuse us, we have to get back to our calendar photo shoot. Crystal likes the wind-blown look." Lydia says

 Look at her hair. I think I'm in love." Jorge says

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