Camp stinky-waka

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Hailey's POV...

Hey, Jorge... " I say

Whoa, it reeks! " Griff says

Ugh. What happened in here? " I ask

Babe, isn't it obvious? Marty Farty is having a party. " Griff says

Guys, it's not me this time! " Jorge says

Jorge, it's always you."Xander says

 Yeah. You're the one who says the lake is a bath and a toilet all in one." I say

 It's called "multitasking"! And the nasty smell is coming from under the cabin. Check it out! " Jorge says

Let me guess. I bend down and you blast me in the face with a heinie heater. "Griff says

No, thanks. Counselor? " I ask sweetly

[Sniffs] Uh, oh. This isn't one of Jorge's smells. " Xander says

It's sad that you know that, man. " Griff says

No. No, it's... Big Stinky. The nastiest skunk in Moose Rump. Two years ago he fumigated the whole camp with his black cloud of death. "Xander says

I can't live like this. " say

I'd rather sniff one of Jorge's butt bombs. " griff says

Dialin' one up now!" Jorge says

 That's not what he meant. " Xander sats


Too late..." Jorge says

I'm calling it I'm calling area 51." I yell running out of the Grizzly  cabin


griffs pov...

I just know he's down there. My nose hairs are wilting! "xander says

What if it's not Big Stinky? "Hailey asks

What if it's a dead body? "I ask

I bet it's Nosy Nancy. Gladys said she left camp to see her parents, but I think it's because she knew too much. "jorge says

Okay, we have to gently lure him out, and coax him back into the woods. "xander says

Got it! "hailey says

Hey, you're not gonna hurt him, are you? "jorge asks

Well, I didn't grab this shovel to tickle him. Just don't get him angry, 'cause when skunks get angry, they... "hailey says

Skunk!"she yells running behind the cabin


Hailey POV...

Okay, Xandy, let's get this in all those hard to sauce places. 

You're on your own. 

I just can't believe Big Stinky got me again. 

Wait... Big Stinky is back? We gotta get rid of that thing! 

Why don't you ask it out on a date? 

Very funny. Plus, I already have a boyfriend, right Xandy?

 Nope. I actually thought Big Stinky was kinda cute. 

You wouldn't think he was cute, if you had been there a couple of years ago. We got massacred. It was June. A night like every other. Or so we thought... There was a campfire. S'mores. Laughter... Xander: Little did we know, Big Stinky was out there. Watching. Waiting. Hunting. " Xander says[Squeaking] 

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