Griff is in the House part 1

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Hailey's POV...

¨Hurry up! The limo is here to take you to summer camp. And remember, don't call or write. Come on, come on, come on. ¨ Said Bertram

  ¨I can't wait to see my friends at camp! I got presents for all of them! ¨ MY big Sister Emma said

¨Oh, how thoughtful! All you kids have ever given me is an ulcer. ¨ Bretram complained

¨And I'm still waiting for a thank you card. And for you to take my bag downstairs. ¨ Emma said

¨Consider it done.¨ (throws bag down the stairs)

¨Good thing you decided not to pack that puppy for Lou. ¨I say as i was walking out of my room

¨Come on, come on. ¨ Bertram said

¨(Sighs) I'm really gonna miss you, Bertram¨ Zuri says

. ¨Oh, I'm gonna miss you too. Especially your stock tips. ¨ Bertram said

So, are there any clothes in there, or is it all bribe money? 

¨I am not going to bribe anyone to do stuff for me anymore. 

I've decided to be more independent.¨ Zuri said 

 ¨Oh, great. Well, you can start by taking your own bag downstairs. ¨ Bertram says

¨Or I could do this.¨ Zuri says as she holds out a 100 dollar bill at Bertram

 ¨Allow me, madam.¨ Bertram says politely

 ¨I know we are late, but Mrs. Kipling cannot decide which chew toy to bring! ¨ Ravi says

¨Can't she just chew on the campers like last summer? ¨i say

¨No. It turns out, parents tend to get peeved when their children come home with no thumbs. ¨ Ravi replies

¨I get peeved when you come home at all.

Okay, bye! So long! It won't be the same without you! (Chuckles) It'll be better.¨Bertram says 

 (Music playing)

 ¨We almost forgot Mrs. Kip... Really? ¨ Ravi says

¨That's just cold.¨ Says Zuri an she takes the money back


Emma: It's so great to be back.

(GASPS) Lou! 

¨For two people happy to see each other, they're running really slow.¨ i say

¨i know right¨ Zuri says

¨I missed you so much!¨Emma says

¨I missed you more!¨ Lou says hugging Emma

¨The Woodchucks are back together again.¨

*does the woodchuck salute*

¨Nice hair, Zuri.¨lou says

¨And good job remembering the woodchuck salute Hailey¨

¨thanks you should see the salute we give the cab drivers in new york¨ I say

*gets ready to raise a hand¨

¨NO NO NO¨ Emma says right away.

The 5th ross kid   GRIFF JONES X OCWhere stories live. Discover now