This was obviously not my first time for the monthly evaluation, bloody hell, I was a trainee for 6 years already, but still, the nervousness, the fear of not doing your best haunts me like crazy.

Because there's a saying that even if you were good during your practice, but messed up during the real thing, then that's a big problem.

"I heard it will be Treasure who'll watch us now," Eun Kyung whispered to me with a playful smile on her lips so I just rolled my eyes on her.

"Just shut up," I whispered to her too before getting up to greet Mr. Yang who just came in.

Yes, although he's no longer the CEO, he still makes sure that the artists that YG entertainment will produce will be judged by him.

He already proved his innocence, and I think, he still should be here because he still is the one with the largest amount of share in this company.

"We have some artists who will watch all of you perform," he said after sitting down. We all remained standing to greet the newcomers, and I immediately get a sight of his smiling face after Mr. Yang told them to come in.

It took them a while to come in because they're so many. I, myself couldn't believe that Mr. Yang decided to debut a group with 12 members.

We greeted them, and they greeted us back. I even caught sight of them pointing at me and Ruto. And I will surely attack them if ever they do something that can ruin my performance for today.

They sat down together with the producers, and in order not to get distracted, I just looked at my hands that were actually trembling because of nervousness.

"get a hold of yourself, Stella!" I whispered to myself. Trying my best to calm myself down, but obviously failing.

"So what we'll have today first is an individual performance. Who will go first?" Mr. Yang asked, and being the confident girl that she is, Eun Kyung went first. I even saw the producers laughing at her confidence, and I couldn't help but to do the same.

Eun Kyung is one of the few girls I really trust, and I admire her because of her confidence and her singing abilities. She's actually the one who taught me how to sing Cruel Summer for this day.

Taeyeon sunbaenim's Fine started playing, and she started to ready herself to give off another amazing performance.

Her eyes were close as she's singing, and some girls were even whispering if the recording of that song was also playing because her voice was really heavenly!

"She really is a main singer material," Nari told me as she's looking at Eun Kyung.

"Agree," Min Jee said as she's in awe while watching our main vocalist. And as I'm watching her, I couldn't agree more. She's like the girl version of Taeyang sunbaenim which is awesome.

After her awesome performance, we all clapped, even Treasure clapped for her. Mr. Yang is just smiling while looking at her.

After Mr. Yang gave her a compliment, it was now Treasure's turn to say something. Yedam was the one who gave her a compliment and being a huge fan of Yedam that Eunkyung is, she was smiling while listening to Yedam.

I just shook my head as I'm smiling at her craziness.

After her, I was then called by Mr. Yang so I immediately stood up and went to the front. My members cheered for me but I was too nervous, I even almost fell down because of my trembling legs.

"What can you say about Yedam's song?" he asked me when I was finally infront of them. He was pertaining about Yedam's song Wayo.

I look at Yedam, and I smiled when our eyes met. He was the first person I became close with, since we're both treated like the child prodigy here in YG entertainment making it something we can both relate to, and seeing that he finally achieved his dream makes me so proud of him.

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