"Merlin? No, no, that can't possibly be your name."

Merlin rolled her eyes. "It's not the name I was born with, it's just the name that I go by."

"Of course! After all, Merlin is not the name of a princess, and you look like a princess to me." A light blush made itself known on Merlin's pale cheeks. "Your name must be something like Sophia, or... or Esmerelda. That's it. Princess Esmerelda." Gwaine took Merlin's hand, spun her around and bowed at her.

"Stop it," she hissed. "People are staring."

Gwaine looked up. "Not until you tell me your real name." 

"I'd really rather not."

"I will serenade you."

Merlin huffed. "Fine, but you can't tell anyone. Not even Arthur knows."

"It stays between us."

"I'm serious, Gwaine. You can't tell anyone. No one."

"I swear on my life."

"Cassandra." (A/N: My brother picked it out. I think it's pretty, what do you think?)

As promised, Gwaine stood up. "That wasn't so hard, now was it?"

"It actually was very hard. I never tell people my name."

"Care to share why?"

"No. In fact, I better get going before Arthur gets agitated. I'll see you later, Gwaine."


"You're on time for once, Merlin," Arthur noted. 

"I'm hardly ever late, Arthur."

Arthur simply raised an eyebrow, but otherwise ignored the comment. "Well, you'll be glad to know that I volunteered you to tend to one of my old friends, Sir Oswald. You are to tidy up his chambers once you finish with mine."

Merlin groaned.


Merlin later found herself cleaning up Oswald and his buddy Ethan's chambers. The two men had been there when she entered, but then left to tend to some business. Once finished, she wandered over to the table in the center of the room where there were two swords wrapped in a white cloth. She picked up one of the swords and put her hand on the blade, only to quickly jerk it away. It cut her! Merlin examined the blade. That could not be right. Those blades were to be used at the melee, meaning that they were supposed to be blunt. The blades appeared blunt. Before Merlin could do any further examinations, Oswald and Ethan reentered the room.

"What are you doing, girl?" Oswald snarled.

"Wha- I was just tidying."

"Keep away from things that don't concern you."

Without a word, Merlin took the dirty plates from the table and left. 

Later, Merlin sat at Gaius' patient table as he wrapped her finger in a bandage. "To the eye, they appeared blunt, but when I touched it..." Merlin winced at the memory.

"You were lucky," Gwaine told her. "I've seen those blades in action. They're forged using sorcery."

"What would they want with such a blade?" Gaius wondered.

"I think they mean to kill Arthur in the melee," Merlin said.

"But in front of all those people?"

"It would be the perfect cover. If they succeed, nobody will suspect it was intentional," Gwaine realized.

Merlin stood up. "I need to tell Arthur!"

The One Where All The Knights Love Fem!MerlinWhere stories live. Discover now