-Chapter 10-

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Your name is John Egbert and you just watched your boyfriend get brutally abused. You whimper softly at the darkness. You don't like it at all. You had no idea what could be a few inches from your face. Ever since a child you had a strong pull towards the supernatural. You had strange dreams and even stranger voices in your head. As you got older the dreams got stranger and some of the voices faded. Except for one. This one spoke lies to you. Lies that you weren't good enough, smart enough, good looking, it tried to get you to do terrible things. And the worst part is you listened to it sometimes. You still have marks, memories, of those things. This continued,

Until you met Dave.

You look over in his general direction. He helped you through so much without even knowing it. But after you met him, the voice got angry. The things it told you now didn't work on you. You understood now that all it spoke were lies. It doesn't mean you're always fine now, sometimes you break down and listen to the voice but you understand it's not telling you the truth.
You shifted. Your dreams had gotten weirder and scarier after you met Dave. You guessed it had something to do with the voice, you honestly didn't care though.

You brought yourself back to the present and looked to Dave. He was huddled in a ball. You sit up and crawl next to him. You cuddled him and closed your eyes. He swallowed hard and shifted slightly so he could lay down. Dave groaned at the pain that surged through him and you winced at the sound. You started crying silently into Dave's chest.
Suddenly the voice was there and he was standing right behind you. Leaning over and was right by your ear. You suck in a small breath and held tightly to dave. "Look at you" It whispered "you're so weak. You can't even protect your boyfriend." You nuzzled dave and cried a little harder. "You should just end it all. You're not worth anything." You felt a hand gently touch your back. You jumped slightly and lifted your head. You looked to dave. He had his eyes closed and was mumbling out comforts. It was hard to hear him because his voice was so raw but you heard him and you felt so much better. You shifted and laid on dave almost but was extremely careful not to hurt him. You gently nuzzled him again. The voice huffed and disappeared.
You lifted your head and looked to Dave "I'm sorry, I love you."
Dave looked to you "sorry for what?" He whispered
"For not being able to protect you..."
Dave shook his head "don't blame yourself. If there's anyone to blame it's me" you slowly laid your head on his chest again and nodded slightly "alright"
Dave shifted "one more thing"
You glanced up at him

"I love you too"

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