Chapter 21: Wolf Temper Part 2!

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Real World!
       Christopher growled at Valentine and Stoker. "Is that all you got, wolf?" Stoker asked and Christopher glared at him. "You haven't even seen a fraction of what I can do." Christopher replied. "Don't bother, wolves are useless." Stoker told him and Valentine laughed as he returned in bat form, and transformed back into himself. "You can say that again." Valentine agreed. "Anything?" Stoker asked as he turned to face his partner, but he just shook his head. "No. None of his fiends are around. He came alone, not much of a surprise." Valentine replied and Stoker nodded. "Not smart of you, was it?" Stocker asked as he turned back to the werewolf. "My wife, child, and sister are hurt because of you, and my friends won't agree with me on my revenge fantasy." Christopher replied. "And it is a fantasy." Stocker told him. "For now." Christopher told him and he just chuckled. Valentine just sighed and shook his head. "I will never understand how someone like Draculaura can love someone like you." Valentine told him. "Because I truly love her and I'm good to her." Christopher told him and he rolled his eyes. "It disgusts me." Valentine commented as he turned away.
      Candace was driving her expensive car as Lynda, Genny, and Francine were all with her. They had to stop Christopher before he does something he'll regret. Daisy and their newborn child are in critical condition because of Valentine and Stoker, whom are her biggest enemies. Candace was driving pretty fast, zooming through the cars on the main road of Storybrook. "Have I told you that I hate your driving?" Francine asked. "Not today, no." Candace replied. "Well, I hate your driving." Francine told her. Lynda saw something ahead. "Turn here!" Lynda exclaimed. "There's no road here!" Candace told her. "Turn!" Lynda exclaimed. Candace turned the wheel real fast, causing everyone to scream and hold onto something, as they turned off the main road and into the forest. "Stop!" Genny called. Candace put her foot on the brake as the car halted. Everyone took deep breathes as they took a minute to rest. "Everyone okay?" Candace asked. "Mentally. I'll get back to you on the physical part." Francine replied and Candace nodded. "What was that about?" Genny asked as everyone turned to face Lynda. "I saw something." Lynda replied. "Which was?" Candace asked. Lynda walked forward and leaned down and picked up a gun. "Looks like Chris came prepared, but Valentine and Stoker got the upper hand on him." Lynda replied. They all seemed impressed. "Great detective work." Candace commented. "I am the Sheriff of the town, it's kind of my job. Quite literally." Lynda told them.

     Draculaura walked down the halls of the huge Palace. She was afraid of running into Stoker or Alaric, or anyone who might be loyal to them. She ran the opposite way of when she last saw them, but there are so many secret passages that she remembers from when her and Elizabat were younger. Which means Stoker definitely knows about them as well. Her hands were shaky as her arm was oozing more and more blood out. She needed to get it fixed, before she gets woozy of all the blood she's loosing. But in luck, she found the medbay. She walked inside and began cleaning the wound and washing it out. Then she put a bandage around it. She sighed in relief. One thing was finally done, off her mind. Now she just has the main issue at hand, to deal with up front. She peeked out the door, when she saw that no one was there, she walked out and began walking once more. She heard footsteps as her heart pounded. Who was it? Stoker? Alaric? Maybe Clawd or Elizabat? Or both? But her luck hasn't been that good lately. She ran inside a closet to hide. She slid down the wall as she covered her mouth, so that no one hears her. No one stopped or talked. They just kept walking until they were gone. She walked back out and saw a black cloak in the closet. She took it back out and put it on before walking off.
       Elizabat got off her throne as the Vampire Council was still searching the area. They were dealing with outside the Palace as she dealt with inside. She couldn't keep her cool anymore, she's beyond worried. Draculaura should have been there by now. She doesn't know who to trust anymore, after what happened with Alaric. She walked down the steps and over to Clawd, who was looking out the window. "Come with me." Elizabat told him. She turned around delicately and began walking towards the door, trying to keep whats left of her composure. "Where are we going?" Clawd asked. Draculaura stopped and looked at him over her shoulder. "To find your girlfriend." Elizabat replied as she walked out the door. Clawd nodded as he followed her out.

Real World!
     Stella sat by Daisy's hospital bed. She had just give birth to her son, not long after Daisy gave birth to her daughter. Daisy's daughter was still in critical condition, but Stella's son was in perfect health. Stella and Peter decided to name him Specter. Olivia walked in and smiled at her. "Hey." Olivia greeted. "Hi." Spectra greeted. "Cody told me you were in here." Olivia told her. "I wanted to see how Daisy was doing." Spectra replied. "Are you alright?" Olivia asked. "A bit tired. But overall, yes." Spectra replied. "I saw your baby. He's so adorable." Olivia commented and she grinned. "Thank you, Olivia." Spectra commented. "Joseph is with Peter and your son, down in the nursery." Olivia told her. "How is Specter?" Stella asked. "Good. Healthy." Olivia replied and Stella smiled. "I saw him an hour ago, but I already miss him." Stella commented and Olivia smiled. "You did just give birth to him." Olivia agreed. "When are you going to start a family?" Spectra asked. "Joseph and I are happy just living together at the moment. I mean, we're not even married yet." Olivia replied and Spectra nodded. "Fair enough." Spectra agreed. 
      The group of ghouls ran as fast as they could. They finally stopped when they saw Valentine and Stoker. Christopher was chained to a tree. Chris!" Francine exclaimed. "What do you think you're doing?" Stoker asked. "Rescuing our friend." Candace replied as she glared at the vampires. "Not without a fight." Valentine told her. Lynda ran and punched Valentine in the face, causing him to stumble back and glare at her. He turned into a bat and sent energy waves at her. Lynda tried to hold her ground, but was sent flying into a tree. Lynda groaned as she slowly stood up. Ghoulia was never much of a fighter, more of a thinker. But after the curse, and thanks to Cleo, she learned how to stand her ground. Ghoulia ducked a blow from Stoker and kicked him in the shin. He doubled back and she kicked him in the face, causing him to fall on the ground. Candace grabbed Valentine from behind and kneed him in the back. She spun him around and punched him in the face and than kicked him in the stomach as he fell to the ground. As they were fighting, Francine were undoing Christopher's chains and finally freed him. "Lets go!" Francine called. "Not until I defeat them!" Christopher exclaimed. "We'll defeat them on another day. I promise." Francine told him and he growled. "Fine." Christopher agreed. Then they all ran to Candace's car.

      Alaric lead the group of Monsters down a path as they approached stairs. Clawdeen had a bad feeling. "Elizabat's down there?" Frankie asked. "Finishing up a meeting, she will be eager to see you lot." Alaric replied. He opened the door and they walked in. Then he closed the door and locked it as they pounded. "Hey!" They all called as they tried to get out. "Stay out of our way!" Alaric exclaimed as he walked off. He turned a corner and looked at his father. "Of course, those pesky friends of Draculaura had to come and try to ruin our plans." Stoker commented. He was obviously angry and annoyed. It just seems to be one thing after another. "Don't you worry anymore, father." Alaric told him. "Are they taken care of?" Stoker asked. "Locked up, for now. Once they've calmed down I'll begin to dispose of them." Alaric replied and Stoker nodded. "Good. I'm proud of you, son." Stoker told him and Alaric smiled as they walked away.
      "What the hell just happened?" Cleo asked. "We were tricked, mate." Lagoona replied as she sighed. "But why would he look us up? Who is he anyways?" Cleo asked. "Ahhhh. Ahhhh." Ghoulia replied. "Ghoulia's right, vampires must be rising up against Elizabat, and my guess is that Draculaura and Clawd are smacked in the middle." Frankie replied and they nodded. "I swear, Draculaura's always in the middle. One way or another." Deuce commented. There was a moment of silence. "It's because of who she is. Her heart. Her passion. She can't just sit around and so nothing. When someone is in danger, especially those she cares about. She is the only person I know who has what it takes to actually make a change in the world. It's not because she's fierce or strong. It's because she's the only one who cares enough to try and to never give up." Clawdeen explained. "She's always there gor us when we need her, now it's our turn." Frankie agreed and they began brainstorming.

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