Chapter 19: Stressed Out!

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Real World!
        Daisy put on black pants, pink tank top, and black and pink boots. Christopher walked into their bedroom and leaned up against the doorframe as he watched her. "I won't be long." Daisy told him, not meeting his eyes. "I'm coming with you." Christopher told her. Daisy sighed and turned around, locking eyes with him. "No, you have to stay here with Vampiris." Daisy told him. Christopher shook his head and walked closer to her. "Dale said he will watch her. Besides, you're pregnant. If anyone should stay, it's you." Christopher told her. "It's my fight, Chris!" Daisy exclaimed. "No, D. It's our fight. Because you are my wife and I love you." Christopher told her. Daisy walked up to him and grabbed his hands in hers. "I love you more then anything, Chris. The thought of my enemies killing you to get back at me, scares me so much. I can't lose you or Vampiris, or my best friends. Because you are all my family." Daisy explained. "I feel the same way, Daisy. This is not just your fight, because you do have me and the rest of our family. You are not going by yourself, I don't want you to go at all in your position." Christopher told her. Daisy started to feel pain in her stomach as she put her hand on it. "Ouch." Daisy commented. She bent over, leaning her other hand on the bedframe. Christopher put his hand on her back. " Are you okay?" Christopher asked. "No." Daisy replied. She passed out on the bed as Christopher gasped. "Daisy!" Christopher exclaimed. 
         Christopher was pacing in the waiting room. Lynda, Candace, Genny, and Francine were sitting in the waiting room. Cody walked up to him and Christopher looked up at him. Cody is Christy's doctor and Rachel is Daisy's doctor. The girls stood up. "Christy was badly injured. Beaten, stabbed a few times, and thrown threw a glass window, getting cut by shards." Cody told them and Christopher nodded. "I saw that last one." Christopher commented. "She is in a coma. We do not know if or when she'll wake up." Cody told them. "Could we see her?" Francine asked. "Of course." Cody agreed. "I'll go with you." Lynda told her and Francine nodded. "I'm going to stay here." Cleo told them. "Ahhh." Ghoulia agreed. Cody, Lynda, and Francine walked away while Rachel walked over to them. "How is she?" Christopher asked. "It's the baby, she's ready to come out, now.... I am about to take her into surgery, to try and take the baby out safely. I'll update you once I'm finished." Rachel explained and she walked away. Christopher sighed as tears rolled down his cheeks. 

     Gigi went into the lamp and looked around. She walked into the kitchen and sighed. She can't seem to find her sister, but this was a really big place. She could be just about anywhere. She heard footsteps and turned around to see Whisp in a robe. "Gigi, hey." Whisp greeted. "Hi." Gigi greeted. "What are you doing here, sis?" Whisp asked. "I just wanted to see you." Gigi replied and Whisp nodded. "You know I'm always happy to see you, G." Whisp told her and she smiled. Valentine walked in shirtless and Gigi and Valentine both widened their eyes as Whisp sighed. "Oh, I see." Gigi commented. "Awkward." Valentine commented. There was a moment of silence and then he walked away. "So, you guys are together now?" Gigi asked. "Apparently." Whisp replied. "How did that happen?" Gigi asked and Whisp blushed. "Last night, we were talking and he kissed me." Whisp replied. "I told you he liked you." Gigi told her and Whisp laughed. "You were right, as always." Whisp told her. "I'm glad you're happy." Gigi told her. "Thanks." Whisp commented and hugged her sister. 
         Valentine walked into his room to see a man, with his back turned to him. Valentine pushed his eyebrows together. It doesn't make any sense that some strange man, Valentine has never met, would be in his bedroom. "Who are you and what are you doing in my room?" Valentine asked. The man remained silent, and Valentine opened one of his dresser drawers, and took out a wooden stake out. He aimed it, ready to attack when that strange man attacks. The man slowly turned around. Something about him seemed familiar to Valentine, but he wasn't about to let his guard down. "I'm here to ask for your help." The man replied. "Why me? With what?" Valentine asked, not letting the wooden stake down. "Because you're the only one who can do this and the only one I trust to go to." The man replied. "I don't know you." Valentine told him. "But I know you, and I'll be back tomorrow to tell you what I need help with." The man told him. He walked past Valentine and out of the room. "Who are you?" Valentine asked. The man looked back at him. "Richard, your father." The man replied. Valentine gasped as he watched his father leave. 

Real World! 
       Avea walked into her guest bedroom and saw Bonita looking out the window. Her phone just kept ringing and ringing. It looked like Bonita was in a daze. "Bonita." Avea commented. Bonita looked over, snapping out of her thoughts. She walked over to her phone  and walked back over to the window. She opened it and dropped her phone. Avea gasped as Bonita turned around and locked eyes with her. "Hi, Avea." Bonita greeted. "What was that all about?" Avea asked. There was a moment of silence and Bonita sighed as she put her head downs. "Sheri and I broke up." Bonita replied in tears. "I figured there were issues with the two of you, but I didn't realize.... Are you alright?" Avea asked. Bonita looked back up and met her eyes. "No." Bonita replied. Avea sighed and walked over, giving her friend a hug. 
        Christopher, Lynda, Candace, Genny, and Francine were still in the hospital waiting room. Christy was still stable, but they didn't know how Daisy was doing. Rachel walked over to them and they all perked up. "How is Daisy and the baby?" Christopher asked and Rachel sighed. "We got the baby out. Since Daisy was only seven months pregnant, the baby is in critical condition. The next twenty- four hours should tell us more.... Daisy was bleeding pretty badly, and she is also is critical condition. We finally stopped the bleeding, but it can still start again." Rachel replied. "May I see them?" Christopher asked. "I'm afraid not. Not at the moment, at least. I advise for you all to go home and rest up." Rachel replied and she walked away. Christopher punched the wall, causing the ghouls to jump, and Francine walked over to him. "It's going to be okay, Chris." Francine told him and he shook his head as he looked at his bloody fist. "No, it won't be." Christopher told her and walked away. 

        Gigi walked up to her locker and opened it. She put her books in there and looked at the mirror on the locker door. She took it out of the ponytail and fixed it. Iris walked up to her. "Hey." Iris greeted. "Hey yourself." Gigi greeted. "Did you talk to Whisp about your jealousy?" Iris asked and Gigi sighed. "I was going to, but Whisp was with Valentine at the time." Gigi replied. "Wow, she really does spend all her spare time with him." Iris commented and Gigi nodded. "Yeah." Gigi agreed. "Are you going to talk to her?" Iris asked. "Eventually." Gigi replied. "I think you need to." Iris told her and Gigi sighed. Gigi closed her locker and locked it, then she turned to face her roommate. "Her and Valentine are officially together." Gigi told her. "That's good." Iris commented. "It is." Gigi agreed. Manny walked over and Iris siled at him as she grabbed her hand. "See you later." Iris commented. "Yeah." Gigi agreed as she waved to the couple as they walked away. 
         Valentine was pacing in his bedroom. He called and texted Whisp an hour ago, but she still hasn't answered. Whisp appeared in a cloud of grey smoke. Valentine stopped pacing and starred at her. "Sorry it took so long, I was with my newest master." Whisp apologized. "It's okay, you're here now." Valentine commented as he walked up to her and hugged her. She smiled as she hugged him back. They stayed like that for a moment, and then they pulled away. "What's wrong, Val?" Whisp asked. Valentine sighed as he sat on his bed. Whisp sat next to him and grabbed both of his hands in hers. "I came here earlier today, and a man was in here. A man I had never met before." Valentine replied. Whisp got worried. "Did he hurt you?" Whisp asked and Valentine shook his head. "No, he said he needed my help and he'll be back tomorrow with the details.... Whisp, he said he was my father." Valentine replied. "Oh, wow." Whisp commented. "Yeah." Valentine agreed. "Have you talked to your mom?" Whisp asked. "No." Valentine replied. "You should." Whisp told him and Valentine nodded. "You're probably right." Valentine agreed. 

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