Chapter 20: Wolf Temper Part 1!

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     Gigi went into Whisp's lantern. Whisp smiled at her and hugged her. "Hi." Gigi geeted. "Hey." Whisp greeted. "Is Valentine here?" Gigi asked and Whisp shook her head. "No, he is.... Currently going through something pretty big right now." Whisp replied and Gigi nodded. "Could we talk?" Gigi asked. "Of course, sis." Whisp replied. They walked over and sat on the couch. "I love that you have someone other then me in your life, espicially someone who seems to care about you so much. Even though I didn't trust him at first." I told him and he smiled. "Thanks, G." Whisp commented. "But it seems like you are constantly with him, and I guess what I'm saying that I miss you. Miss hanging out, just the two of us." Gigi told her and Whisp frowned. "I didn't realize that, but I guess you're right." Whisp agreed. "I want Valentine to be in your life, and for you guys to be together a lot.... But I also want my sister back. I suppose, I'm jealous." Gigi explained. "I'm happy you told me." Whisp told her and Gigi gave her a small smile. "Me too." Gigi agreed. "We will hang out more, I promise." Whisp told her and Gigi nodded.
     Valentine walked up to his mom. "Hi, mom." Valentine greeted. "Hello, Val." Marissa greeted. "We need to talk." Valentine told her and she nodded as she turned around to face him. "Alright, I am listening." Marissa agreed. "Why do you never talk about dad?" Valentine asked and Marissa sighed as she sat down. "Because he is a terrible person." Marissa replied. "How terrible?" Valentine asked. "Let's just say, he's done worst then you have in the past." Marissa replied and Valentine sighed. "That is terrible, all right." Valentine commented and Marissa nodded. "Yes." Marissa agreed. "He visited me." Valentine told her. Marissa stood up and walked closer to him. "You stay the hell away from him! That is an order, young man!" Marissa exclaimed as she glared at him. There was a moment of silence. Marissa walked away and Valentine groaned as he sat down.

Real World!
      Candace walked into Daisy and Christopher's house. Dale was on the couch and he looked up to see his wife had just walked in. He stood up and noticed the look on her face. "What's wrong?" Dale asked. "It's Daisy and Christy." Candace replied. Candace fell to the ground in tears. Dale walked up to her and held her in his arms. He rubbed her hair as she cried in his shoulder. "It's okay. It's going to be okay." Dale told her. Candace shook her head as she sat up. "No, it's not. Christy is in a coma, and she may or may not wake up. Both Daisy and her baby are in critical condition, neither may survive this." Candace explained. "Christopher must be devastated. His wife, sister, and child." Dale commented and Candace nodded. "He punched a wall." Candace agreed. "Is he on his way? Or his he staying there?" Dale commented and Candace pushed her eyebrows together. "He left before we did." Candace replied. There was a moment of silence. "Then where the hell is he?" Dale asked. "I don't know, but it's not good." Candace replied.
        Christopher sat in his parked car. He was watching Stoker and Valentine walking through the woods. The sun was going down, and tonight was a full moon. He was planning on wolfing out. They started this. They injured Christy to hurt Daisy. Then they stressed out Daisy so much that she gave birth prematurely and now may or may not live to see the next sunrise. Christopher got out of the car, and began slowly and carefully following the two vampires. He lost them for a little bit, but finally found Stoker. But Valentine wasn't with him. He looked in the area and turned around to see Valentine standing there with a smirk. "Hey again." Valentine greeted and he punched Christopher in the face. Then he became unconscious.

      Gigi and Whisp walked out of a spa. "That was fun." Whisp commented with a grin and Gigi smiled too. "So much fun." Gigi agreed. "We've never done anything like that." Whisp commented and Gigi nodded. "But we have to do that again." Gigi told her. "And we will. Soon." Whisp agreed. There was a moment of silence as they walked down the street. "What now?" Gigi asked. "I don't know. Maybe the maul." Whisp replied. "Now the maul sounds like lots of fun. I haven't been there in so long." Gigi commented. "And I've never been there." Whisp added. "The maul it is." Gigi agreed as they continued walking in the direction of the maul. "Yes!" Whisp exclaimed as they both laughed. There was a moment of silence as the wind blew their hair backwards. "How much time do you have?" Gigi asked. "Right now, plenty. Valentine is busy and my master hasn't called me." Whisp replied and Gigi smiled. "Perfect." Gigi commented.
      Richard walked down the halls of Monster High. No one payed much attention. He seemed normal. He wore a suit and appeared to be friendly. He smiled and waved at everyone who passed by. But looks can be conceiving. Everyone just assumed he was a parent of a Vampire, since he was obviously a Vampire, or he was a substitute teacher. Richard finally appeared to the Headmistress office and slowly, but confidently, knocked on the purple door. "Come in!" Headmistress Bloodgood called. Richard walked in and closed the door behind him. "Hello, Headmistress Bloodgood." Richard greeted as Bloodgood looked up and locked eyes with him. Nightmare made noise, because she didn't trust him. Bloodgood trusted her horse enough, not to trust him either. "May I help you?" Bloodgood asked. "You can." Richard replied, and he locked the office door.

Real World!
     Candace ran to Francine's apartment and ran inside. She saw Francine and Neighthon cuddling on the couch. Francine sat up when she saw one of her best friends. "What's wrong?" Francine asked as she stood up. Neighthon stood up too, side by side with his girlfriend. "It's Chris." Candace replied. Francine pushed her eyebrows together as her heart pounded in her chest. "What about Chris?" Francine asked. "He left before us, but he never made it to his house. To his daughter." Candace replied. Francine knows Candace, and knows something's on her mind. "What are you thinking?" Francine asked. "That his wife, newborn daughter, and sister ay not live to see the next day and he has a short temper and is a powerful wolf.... I think he is going after who caused all of this." Candace replied and Francine sighed. "Valentine and Stoker." Francine commented and Candace nodded. "Yeah." Candace agreed.
        Valentine had a hooded jacket on, covering his face, so that no one can recognize him, as he walked through the hospital halls. He finally stopped when he got to Daisy's room, and he walked inside. Daisy was in critical condition. Dried blood and a tube down her throat. He walked closer to her and put his hand on her forehead, and moved her hair. His prize. The biggest prize in the world, and the only prize he lost. He will get it. One way, or another. "Hello, Draculaura. Long time, no see. You will be okay, because the Endgame does not involve your death during childbirth. The Endgame is you fighting Stoker and myself.... But you shall not win, in the end. So rest now, because you are going to need it." Valentine explained. He leaned down and kissed her forehead. Then he turned around and walked out.

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